• NEW SCANDALS June 10th & June 14 2007. scroll down
• We present video's of some of our government or ex government's, rise to fame, one wants to win a Grammy and the other wants to be Tony Hawk! We are proud to be a nation. You should check it and have a laugh, thinking of our cause... - scroll down
• Does freedom of speech exzist? Yes, it does! Read on...
• The washingmachine is broke, so I deceided to hang out some dirty laundry, real stinky sjeit...
• This profile has nothing to do with socalled "slandering". It reveals the TRUTH, based on facts, evidence and involvement of political parties, Dutch media, etc. Most of it has been into the Dutch media, some things aren't. In our investigation as tough music journalist and expiring writer into another dimension of the musick business, we came across facts that can be seen as "hard evidence" and the things in the media only add information to the story we are investigating...
• Do you actually know what YOUR bank is investing in? Well, let me tell you a story! Some banks in The Netherlands and like it seems in Belgium to [see examples below, or in the upcoming blog] like ABN AMRO, ING, ABP Pensions and some others [see list] INVEST peoples lifesavings company's that manufacture Nuclear Weapons, Weapons with enriched Uranium, Combat Planes, Clusterbombs, Landmines, Radars, Tomahawk missles and all such SJEIT, [Scottisch pronouncement]. I always thought there were these national and international set up laws, treaties and conventions... Yeah, let's talk Global Warming and Global Dimming!!! [see the upcoming blogs on this one]. Let's talk about my and your money first!
• This profile is set up for BOYCOTTING DUTCH PRODUCTS worldwide! Dutch products are products that come from THE NETHERLANDS a.k.a HOLLAND. More info on us, see TOP 1 friendlist: Industry Agency
Now let's talk music...
Why this boycott is set up:
• First of all YOU ARE INVOLVED , [wether your from The United States, The Netherlands or other country on this planet] since we are talking about people who invest your money and others who STEAL YOUR money [if you are a musician or artist, it's called royalties]
• This BOYCOTT profile is setup to FORCE the Dutch Government to come into action ASAP. This regarding several author-rights organisations in The Netherlands who GAMBLE with musicians and artist royalties on the Dutch Stock Exchange containing the nice amount of 400.000.000 Euro [400 Million] which is about 544.000.000 U.S Dollar [544 Million] and is possibly invested into LANDMINES and CLUSTERBOMBS, OIL & OTHER SJEIT, to make huge profits over the backs of national and international artists and musicians. Ever wondered were your royalties are, and why you ain't getting any, now you know!
• Since the Justice Department oversees these authorrights organisations, they know this for years, since the author-rights organisations have been investing [ING BANK] in the stock exchange since 1999, and what does the Justice Department do? NOTHING. They are "advised" by socalled wise men from the CVTA [Commission that oversees author-rights] who have no knowledge, expertise & know-how whatsoever, but probably fill their pockets over the back of the national/international musicians and artists.
• The CVTA is controlled by the NMa [Nederlandse Mededingings Authoriteit] which is the Dutch Monopoly Police, which also have no knowledge, expertise and know-how on author-rights and such issues. All these socalled experts just fill their pockets and don't take action whatsoever. And besides this, their are also other issues, I will be revealing within the upcoming months, since I am personally involved in this, revealing their scams to the public...
• This BOYCOTT is the only way, they will listen and come into action, since they just do what they want in this case, which is in violation of several national and international laws, treaties and conventions. Right now I am the ONLY EXPERT around who advises and consults several people in Dutch Parlement [opposition] and more, even contacted the Justice Department to WARN them about things, and if they won't come into action, I would, and that others [companies and multinationals] would suffer the consequences for their [the Government] lack of knowledge, expertise and know-how in this case. Right now we are taking this to a whole new level, were they can't turn their heads, or close their eyes, like they have been doing for years/decades. The point of no return has been reached, and there is no way back...
Dutch companies and the U.S:
• Dutch companies rank among the top three foreign investors in the United States [$33 billion in 1999]. Major industries in which The Netherlands a.k.a Holland invested include: manufacturing, insurance, petroleum/oil, trade, banking, real estate and food. 800 Dutch companies in the United States employ over 350,000 Americans, and many of these firms are world leaders in their industries.
Who and what you should boycott:
ROYAL DUTCH SHELL [sued in the U.S and settled]
ABN Lasalle BANK a.k.a ABN AMRO now for sale...
FORTIS BANK INTERNATIONAL [Invested in Weapons, etc,]
ABP PENSIONS [recently invested in landmines, clusterbombs, etc,]
HEINEKEN BEER [recently fined with 219 Million Euro]
ROYAL AHOLD or U.S FOOD SERVICE [sued in the U.S and settled]
ROYAL KLM FLIGHTS [transported NAZI's to Argentina after WW II]
• This profile will be changed after the Dutch government, Justice Department and others have taken ACTION against several Dutch author-rights organisations who STEAL money [royalties] on a huge scale of worldwide artists and musicians, but mostly of U.S citizens, artists, musicians, dj's, singer/songwriters and not forgetting the IRS and U.S economy, besides other countries across the globe.
• Right now these authorrights organisations INVEST YOUR MONEY on the Dutch Stock-Exchange [400 Million euro] since 1999, and this money is/was possibly invested into LANDMINES and CLUSTERBOMBS for profit [while they can't make profit] and the government doesn't do sjeit...
• The Dutch Government and Justice Department don't have the knowledge, expertise and knowhow and are even SPONSORING these criminal & moneylaundering activities for years!!! And did someone ask you for your permission, that your own money would be invested in the Stock Exchange?
Global Pension SCAM:
• Investing in LANDMINES AND CLUSTERBOMBS like the ABP [Algemeen Burgelijk Pensioen Fonds] did recently [April 2007] and who is one of the worlds BIGGEST PENSION FUNDS containing 200 Billion+ Euro, is an illegal and criminal offense, since it is forbidden by the Convention of Geneva! Since it was on Dutch TV in April 2007, they quickly stopped their investments within 3 days! ABP said: OOPS, we didn't know that? YEAH RIGHT! So how long are these people doing that, with your future money? [read PENSION] That's unclear, but what I do know is that they want to cover it up, since you don't hear anything about it, and what does the Government do? Nothing! That's why people within The Netherlands call our country: The Banana Republic [No, not the U.S clothing store]
Nazi transportations:
• In the beginning of May 2007, it came out on Dutch TV that the Royal KLM transported NAZI'S who where escaping from NAZI Germany at the end of World War II to Argentina, everybody was shocked, since there is possible evidence that Prince Bernard who later married the ex Queen Juliana [who are both deceased now], was involved in this, since his heritage was German. Evidence came out of Argentina and secret files from within the United States. This story is currently being investigated, or will this be the next cover up, which makes the cover-up stories to 3! So what's next! The Government? You guessed it.. Pickin' boogers!
A Royal ribbon for stealing YOUR money:
• Recently 2 people who are on the board of an author-rights organisation got a Royal ribbon, [A Royal ribbon is a ribbon you get from the Dutch Royal house, for doing something good for others, economy, life, etc] for their outstanding work in previous years. Outstanding work? YEAH! STEALING your money and investing it into the stock-exchange in oil, landmines, clusterbombs and everything else which makes huge profits. This while they can't make profit! And were is the Dutch Government, Justice Department, NMa, CVTA [Commission that oversees author-rights] and all other socalled experts? PICKING THEIR NOSE!!!
• So now you now why you ain't getting your royalties for years even decades. Do you want me to tell you the stories of "icons & legends" who never got a dime in their 20, 30 and even 40 year career?
Child exploitation and trafficking
• The Netherlands is also one of the leading countries in child exploitation and trafficking. Many child exploitation websites our found in The Netherlands, these cater to pedophiles and these children are virtualy sold. A person would need to pay a monthly fee to see more images and or video footage of these exploited children, this is child prostitution at it's worst. So this is another case of the lackness of the Dutch Government, who should wake up and make such child exploitation sites illegal and the creator's of such sites should be punished with mid-evil madness.
Latest news - June 14, 2007 [read scandal] regarding the subject child abuse and pedophiles: Justice Department cover up.... Highest person in the Justice Department called Joris D. is the Secretary General in the Dutch Justice Department which is accused with Pedophile and taking part of criminal organisation..? Minister of Justice Hirsch Ballin doesn't do anything!! Dutch Parliament party's VVD and SP want investigation. A spokesperson of the SP said: I have been hearing these rumours since 1995! In 1998 a Dutch tv program got their hands on secret recorded phonetaps [since there was an investigation going on] between 2 Justice Department members asking for male children. Back then they covered it up. In 2002 they were under fire again, now regarding socalled sex parties in Prague-Czech Republic and Eindhoven-The Netherlands. Former minister denied all charges! Now on June 14, 2007 this case which is going on for years, with several accusations towards the Justice Department is still in the news. Let me remind you that these people also "take care" of your royalties, since they are in charge of them! [remember those $532.000.000 [YES, $532 MILLION] from that royalty stock exchange SCAM? - this amount fluctuates, due to the currency rate between the euro and the dollar] Thats why this boycott is set up originally! All this while we are also trying to get down several pedophile websites from the internet, that are hosted from The Netherlands..... They don't listen to me, instead of that, Charmeyn, who comes from Canada [in my list] sent letters and emails to the Minister of the Dutch Justice Department.... I wonder what happens next? STOP THE SWINES - Help us with this boycott and spread the word... All this is YOUR and your kids future!
• These sites that promote and advocate pedophilia is a breeding ground for sites that exploit children so I also include these Pro-pedophile sites to be considered illegal under Dutch law as they pose a threat to young children across the globe, who may be abused by such a person called a pedophile. And what does the Dutch Government do about this sjeit, you guessed it, pick their nose!! [THANKS Charmeyn for letting me know about this B.S, hope my sent info will help you, battling it from across Canada. We also take stand in this!!!]
• The Dutch Government should resign ASAP, since they are destroying the country, [both economically as financially] which their forefathers buildt up in decades. The party CDA [Christen Democratisch Appèl which means Christian Democratic party!!!] is the worst bunch of them all, overhere we had 3 elections in 4 years, and the CDA keep ruling the country! YEAH, filling their own pockets with other peoples money [yours and mine] and pickin' boogers... And what does this all have to do with Christians!
• The Bilderberg conference is a conference held once a year on a very secret location. It was "invented" by Prins Bernhard [the man of the Queen] back in the 50's, 60's at Bilderberg [an old hotel]. The Bilderberg is highly secretive and is visited by highly influenced people and multi nationals from across the globe, were they DECEID OUR future... huh? what? Yeah, OUR future. [or is it just the NWO - New World Order conference, you deceide] More audio/video on Bilderberg - Bilderberg
• One of the Queens sons married a girl from Argentina, nothing wrong with that or the girl called Maxima, but why do people from the Royal house marry people with shady backgrounds? Maxima's father was a dictator in Argentina, which was never caught. He killed thousands of Argentinians! is that okay as Royal Dutch House, were you can't get in when you have a criminal list, not even stealing one bubblegum!
• Another story of one of the Queens sons, who married a girl called Mabel, who was the lover of a maffiaboss Klaas Bruinsma who was shot, stories about Mabel keep poping up, even today June 9th, because she was doing coke, was the lover of a maffiaboss and was present at/in Amsterdams most expensive whorehouse Yab Yum...partying along!
• The best thing about this is, that in 2000, when the paralympics [special olympics for disabled people] were held in Australia, were a guy in a wheelchair won 4 golden medals, which was the most of all Dutch competitors. After that everybody got invited by the Dutch Queen Beatrix, but not the guy who won 4 fukkin gold medals, why? Because before he got in the wheelchair, years before [before he was in the wheelchair] he stole some things like bubblegum and small sjeit in a store, and was a criminal. That was the reason he didn't get an invitation, because he stole bubblegum and lollipops!!! Isn't that fuggin outragious, the guy couldn't go to the Queen, while he was the best in the whole Dutch team.[Do you know how hard it is, to win 4 gold medals, not to speak of recovering after he got in the wheelchair?] Isn't it that people can change, for the good?
• NEW SCANDALS JUNE 10th, 2007: On June 10th 2007 it came out that several huge Dutch banks DO invest in Landmines and Clusterbombs. This came to the surface after OXFAM/NOVIB did research regarding it. 4 major Dutch banks like ABN AMRO, FORTIS, ING and RABOBANK invested into the above mentioned weapons [and more]. ABN AMRO invested into BAE Systems and ING KREDIET invests in EADS [Let me remind you that this is AGAINST the law and international weapon embargo's, and is a criminal offense].
• JUne 10th, 2007: DUTCH organisation KWF KANKERBESTRIJDING [a non-profit organisation that battles CANCER, INVESTS IN THE 4 BIGGEST TOBACCO-COMPANIES with a total of 303.304 Euro [ 409.460$] These are the companies who ask me for money and come at my door for money! [next time someone comes at my door asking for money, I will kick their @ss :)] Other companies also invest in child labour companies across the globe, which is also ILLEGAL.
Also in this media post: The Prins Bernhard Fonds [thats a familiar name] which gives funds and grants to culture organisations, the Koninklijke Reddings Maatschappij - KNMR [who save people who are drowning in the sea] also invest in shady businesses and companies. Also the foundation that protects animals [dierenbescherming] invests in companies that make/produce products [chemicals, etc] that are used AGAINST animals!
• And what does the Dutch government do about ALL THIS [there is more]... NOTHING. THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT IS A CRIMINAL ORGANISATION, THAT HAS NO CLUE AT ALL WHAT IS GOING ON. THEY TRY TO PUT US BACK TO THE 50's, SINCE THE SOCALLED CHRISTIAN PARTIES ARE RULING THE COUNTRY. THE BIBLE, WEAPONS, CHILD ABUSE/TRAFFICKING and WAR go hand in hand with christianity, did you know that? The Dutch Government wants to go back to the 1950's, and they talk about things others have already been talked about for years/decades, now they just start all over. You know The Netherlands is a very liberal country with abortion, coffeshops, gay rights, tits on tv, etc, etc now they all want to change that and put us back in time. The Dutch Government should resign at once and let the country be lead by people who really care about what is going on in their own country and the world. What do they do, go to war, so they can convince how good christians are [yes, they are all sinners] Haven't we learned from the past? Thanks to religion wars start, something which isn't new, it's been the same sjeit since centuries.
Ooh, if you live in The Netherlands, be carefull when you call with your mobile phone in your car, you will get fined! But what does the Government do about all the above mentioned scandals, YOU GUESSED IT, PICK THEIR NOSE and play with their....
• You don't hear these stories in the media, yeah one time, after that it's a cover up! Like other examples in this profile. And I have to maintain the law? The Royal house can cease to exzist, with all their BS, misleading the public. Go and sit on your throne, and don't involve yourself in politics or leading the country, which costs us millions a year. Back in the old days a King or Queen was there for the people, nowadays it's just bogus, living on MY and other peoples money, get a job, like everybody else!
Wanna know more scandals? Even ones that nobody knows? Stay tuned!
• WE are kickin' @ss overhere and they will call me public Enemy #1, since I stand up, where others keep sitting... And isn't The Law, The Law? It isn't overhere... Some people say: watch out you don't get "hitmen" or secret service at your door.
• About me.... I "personally" brought in millions of $$$ in royalties for international artists and musicians [see INDUSTRY AGENCY profile] and warned the Dutch Government to come in action ASAP, they won't listen, so now WE will show them the power of the people, which means YOU. Since Landmines also kill current troops, children and other people, not even speaking about clusterbombs. And the Dutch Government SPONSORS these illegal activities, even your PENSIONS are/were invested in this, isn't that fu#*kin' ridiculous???
• So STOP the Government sponsored illegal and criminal activities, by signing up with this profile and standing up for yourself and millions of others, and see how YOU can change the future and can make a difference. Personally we don't hold grudges against huge Dutch companies and multi nationals, but sometimes you have to make a point and take action!
• I worked on getting sued by others like the Justice Department, CVTA and several others, by forwarding copyrighted emails and copyright infringement, and even telling them this, but nobody will or dares, why? Because we will reveal their scams! I even pressed charges against myself for copyright infringement, but the police said, you can't do that, since nobody pressed charges against you! Isn't that a good one? And these people uphold the law? ha ha, what a joke!
• After waiting for years even decades for the change to come, we PROMISE it will soon be revealed. Let us guide you... through the musick [r]evolution & see how KARMA kicks in! Paving the way so YOU get paid.
• So now I am waiting till they raid my house, because I am becoming the Enemy of the State a.k.a public enemy #1, but I ain't, I just STAND UP for artists and musicians from across the globe and many others, since this is been going on for years, even decades. They don't dare to raid my house, why? Because then it will really get into the media and such! But here is a reminder for them... I brought in millions for others, so what do they think? I can't set up a boycott, for all the sjeit they are doing! THEY ARE WRONG!
• It's a shitty job, but someones got to do it. Right?
Want Change? Be The Change!!!
Your doctor always says, you should have more humor, that's good for your health. With great honour we present you the Dutch government and some ex members of our Parliament with compliments, to all who believe!
• Hilbrand Nawijn, use to be in the Dutch Parliament for 4 years, playing a key-role for his party. Mr. Nawijn's career was kind of dull, so he deceided to upgrade his career and go into the music business! NARAS, get out your Grammy's...
• This is how he acts, after being in a coffeeshop, for a coffee ofcourse!
• Also check his latest million dollar videoclip. Definitly worth an MTV Award.
• He definitly improved his career. Dreams can come true?
• Meet our prime minister, Mr J.P Balkenende a.k.a Harry Potter and the 7 elf's, sitting on his chair for 4 years, watching the Harry Potter collection video's on BETAMAX, [he is kind of old fashion], trying to figure out, what kind of spell he can cast on us.
See how he makes a fool of himself in public. Hey, what's that? That's a skateboard! A what? A skateboard! Hmm, interesting indeed!
• Then we have our former Minister of Justice [the one, who has been slacking for years, seeing the above mentioned issues and the timeframe] Mr. P.H Donner, who now is the minister of social affairs. Mr. Donner resigned in the last governement, since he couldn't handle issues, which really cared. Also Mr. Donner has ambitions for a Grammy, an MTV Award and stardom fame, that is why he recorded a "rap" song, even releasing a video of it. [He really recorded it!]. Seems the Dutch Justice Department is doing everything, BUT, keeping the law, or seeing that justice in done. Maybe lady justice, should take off her blindfold and re-measuring her scales. [the old analog scales are out of date, upgrade now and be the change!]
• We also have Andre Rouwvoet, from the Christian party [Christen Unie] C.U. A video of him "Jumpstyling", is always nice to see. Finally we see, what goes on in his head! More on this video, soon available.
• Video clip on how the Dutch people think of our government. ooh, check the music!
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