holes, bones, treats, napping, tug-of-war, balls & Cats ..src="http://www.comments.zingerbugimages.com/DogComments/w ag.gif"
other dogs, squirels, we love pussy cats, Wonka our best friend is one! The Dog Whisperer,Cesar Millan..not for any problems, we just think he's cool! The Oscar Meyer Weiner Man, The Treat Fairy!(We dream of her...alot!)
Snoop Dawg....all the way! Big n Rich, Brad Paisley, Elvis, Lisa Marie, Marinda Lambert
The Shaggy DA, Benji, Kujo, Bones, Scooby Doo (our favorite)Seek Codes
MySpace Graphics
The Animal Planet
We can't read,we just look at the pitcures!
Our Mommie and Daddy!