mackie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm mackie the dog. Yes, a real dog, a four-legged, furry, mailman repeller. Who will be 14 in september.

I am a very cute mixed breed who was adopted when I was two. I'd been kept in a garage and kitchen for two years. I was kind of mangy and would run in a corner and shake when I met people. But I'm now happy and healthy and enjoying life.

I like meat, chewy bones, walks, belly rubs, naps, sniffing things, and my new friend coloma. I give him a run for money even though he's only two. I don't like dog food, unless it's on the floor. Then it's okay. Actually, almost anything on the floor is good. I don't have to do much except look cute. I am also very good at chasing away the person who by every day and sticks papers in the door.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Nice dogs, and cats who won't attack me for no reason. I also wouldn't mind meeting some goats and cows if they'd play with me.

My Blog

about me

I haven't been around much lately, partly beacuse my human though it'd be a good idea to paint her office, which involves dismantling her desk and unplugging the computer and cable. plus, she's slow. ...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 23:49:00 GMT

tagged by Jade...

I've been tagged Jade ! I've never been tagged before, so here goes...Each player starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their 10 things as well...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 20:26:00 GMT

Intelligent life?

I gotta tell ya, sometimes this dog has doubts about my human's intelligence. For me, the "ah-ha" moment came on one of those sunny days when the breeze is carrying a million scents, like a massive s...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 01:20:00 GMT


since my step-dog is too busy chasing squirrels, eating the mail and decapitating his pink monkey to set up his page, I thought I'd take time out of my nap to post about him. My humans adopted him in ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 20:07:00 GMT

identity crisis

You know, I hate to sound paranoid, because then people might label me bipolar simply for being more aware than those "normal" dogs. But what can I say: it's strange, I channel these blog entries to ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 20:41:00 GMT

communication, etc.

Sometimes I wonder if my servant-gal really "gets it." Like, I'll take SG out on a sniff-and-trot and she won't let me sniff. But that's just one example. The other day that occasional visitor guy ca...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 19:53:00 GMT


Sacramento sure is nice in the winter. Lots of puddlesto drink from and nice smelly grass. Cats get all fluffy and can't get awayas quick. Squirrels get sleepy and slow, if they evercome out at all.An...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 22:01:00 GMT

a dog's life

the human I take care of keeps babbling something about how I need to get a job and bring in some dough... Doesn't she understand my many responsibilities? Doesn't she appreciate the beauty and class ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 21:00:00 GMT