Re-Solv is the National Society for the Prevention of Solvent and Volatile Substance Abuse (VSA.) A UK charity, based in Staffordshire, it has over twenty years experience and dedication to the prevention of VSA.
VSA is the deliberate inhalation of the chemicals found in everyday products such as deodorant, hairspray and cigarette lighter refills. There are over 30 abusable products in the home.
Do NOT think that this doesn't apply to you. VSA affects everybody - all people of all backgrounds. On average 1 person dies each week in the UK from sniffing - of ALL ages. 8% of 11-16 year olds in the UK have used volatile substances in the past year and are more vulnerable to later problematic drug use. We now have reports that 6 year olds are experimenting, often encouraged by older children.
VSA is the forgotten drug, despite it being so dangerous. This makes it extremely hard to obtain funding. Re-Solv needs money urgently if it is to survive. Please consider donating to our vital work.
Re-Solv is a non-profit-making charitable company, limited by guarantee.
Registered Charity Number: 326732
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