My MAC ladehs
"Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means you're two steps ahead"
"Its better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you aren't"
"You can stand tall without standing on someone. You can be a victor without having victims."
I've finally figured out what I want to be doing for the rest of my life and I intend on using myspace as a tool to get where I want to go. I'm using it as a networking mechanism and to keep in contact with friends. I'm not using it as popularity contest however the larger number of friends I have, the more people I know and therefore the more networking I can do. I am primarily interested in networking with photographers, makeup artists, artists, all educated people, tattooists, tattoo enthusiasts, tattooed people, and everyone involved in either productions or philanthropy.
I am NOT interested in pornographic offers. I am not interested in why you think I should date you. I am not interested in giving my real name or my phone number. I am not interested in people who talk shit and I am not interested in people who do not seek the best out of themselves. I think this is all pretty clear. If I didn't cover something that you think needs to be addressed, please send me a message and I will add it to the list.
If I sent you a request it is for one of the aforementioned reasons. I am not a bot, I'm just looking to meet new people who share my interests.
This is probably a waste of effort considering that it is the same people who opt NOT to read my profile that this would apply to but I will add this to my list in hopes of avoiding it anyway. Do NOT call me Mami, Sexy, Baby, or Babe or any other lame, useless, disgusting pet names that you can think of. If I do NOT know you I am NOT any of these things to you. Apparently I wasn't clear enough the first time. Keep your pet names and your attempts to get me to message you back by calling me them to yourself. You are a waste of my time and I have no interest in you anyway. Want a sure-fire way to get me to NOT respond to you? Give it shot! See what happens.
"There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it behooves all of us not to talk about the rest of us."
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