Reading, mostly non-fiction, writing poetry , lyrics, and letters to my beautiful wife. I also love sports ( esp. basketball) and playing chess when I have time.Raleigh,NC 27606
People with Good hearts,
Music is my passion! I love all music, esp. Hip-Hop, R&B, Popo and most recently country! I have written song lyrics for over 20 years, maily rap, but also a few raggae and soul. I have a large catalog of completed songs that unfortunately most of the world has never heard. Music, to me, is more than a luxury, or a form of entertainment. It is art. A form of expression that is liberating to both the heart and mind. One of my dreams is to someday share my music with the wrold and that it will be accepted and appreciated and loved.
I prefer a good drama with a message in it. Something that I can appreciate long after the credits have roller. But I also enjoy comedy ( laughter is the best medicein) and action. Vanilla Sky is among my favorite movies.
Prison Break ( smile), Friday Night Lights, Heroes, And Cold Case are my favorite shows
I love so many!!! Among my favorites are : Black,White, Other:bi-racial American; Song of Soloman by Toni Morrison; Roots by Alex Haley; Black Power, White Blood by Lori Andrew; and of course the Bible and Holy Quran.
My Mother, my wife Karimah and numerous others ( too many to list) who have taught me so much about truth, life and love. I also admire the work of our firefighters, who in my opinion arew amongst the ost noble , courageous and selfless of any profession.