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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Michael Jerome Braxton, Jerome to my family and Alim to my friends. My purpose in creating this site is to share my life expierences with those who care to know. I am currently on death row in North Carolina and I have been in prison for the past 14 years. These facts do not define who I am, they are mere circumstances of my life. A life that despite my many mistakes and shortcomings, I have grown to become proud, as the true person within has evolved........I refuse to make excuses for my life, or the way that it has turned out up until this pint. I have suffered much pain, and I have expierienced great tragedy. I have shed an ocean of tears, but I do not use this to justify the pain and suffering that I have caused others....My heart is heavy with pain because of the hurt that others have expierienced on account of my own actions. The pain that I have caused my family and friends. The disappointment and loss of understaqnding of those who loved and believed in me will never be lost on me. but even more, the pain of mothers, and sons, wives, and daughters and all of the loved ones of those who I have wronged. This is an incredible burden that I continue to bear, and I pray that one day room for forgivenss can be found in their hearts.....Forgivness and healing is a painful process. It begins with acknowlegding your wrongs and trying to make ammends for them. I have taken this path, and it is my hope that my life work will be a testimony of this. Not only for those I have wronged, but for all of humanity....I hope that you will take the time to get to know me. Perhaps my life and experiences can benefit you in some positive way, and maybe your experiences can also benefit me. In fact, isn't that the purpose of life, to get to know one another, share our experiences and grow? We will accomplish nothing by shunning those who we feel are beneath us. In fact, we ma even miss out on an oppurtunity to grow.....This site is being operated by my wife , Karimah. I hope to continuall update this page with blogs of my poerty, short stories, thoughts, experiences and other writings. I hope you will stay tuned! I would also love to hear from friends, and thouse interested in becoming frriend or just wanting to show support. A Letter of friendship and support is truly invaluable and would mean so much. Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Reading, mostly non-fiction, writing poetry , lyrics, and letters to my beautiful wife. I also love sports ( esp. basketball) and playing chess when I have time.Raleigh,NC 27606

I'd like to meet:

People with Good hearts,


Music is my passion! I love all music, esp. Hip-Hop, R&B, Popo and most recently country! I have written song lyrics for over 20 years, maily rap, but also a few raggae and soul. I have a large catalog of completed songs that unfortunately most of the world has never heard. Music, to me, is more than a luxury, or a form of entertainment. It is art. A form of expression that is liberating to both the heart and mind. One of my dreams is to someday share my music with the wrold and that it will be accepted and appreciated and loved.


I prefer a good drama with a message in it. Something that I can appreciate long after the credits have roller. But I also enjoy comedy ( laughter is the best medicein) and action. Vanilla Sky is among my favorite movies.


Prison Break ( smile), Friday Night Lights, Heroes, And Cold Case are my favorite shows


I love so many!!! Among my favorites are : Black,White, Other:bi-racial American; Song of Soloman by Toni Morrison; Roots by Alex Haley; Black Power, White Blood by Lori Andrew; and of course the Bible and Holy Quran.


My Mother, my wife Karimah and numerous others ( too many to list) who have taught me so much about truth, life and love. I also admire the work of our firefighters, who in my opinion arew amongst the ost noble , courageous and selfless of any profession.

My Blog

Write to Alim @

If you wish to write to Alim, to show your support..   Write him directly @ Jerome Braxton 0043529 1300 Western Blvd Raleigh, NC 27606 He would like to gain as many friends as possible and let a...
Posted by FREE ALIM !!!!! on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 12:15:00 PST


The start of 2007 could be the beginning of the end of the death penalty in the United States. Executions are on hold in over a dozen states, and botched executions have put the lethal injection proc...
Posted by FREE ALIM !!!!! on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 12:01:00 PST


I think for most of my life I didn't believe in "soul-mates". I believed people fell into love and they had to work to make it last. But here I am, in 2007 and I am in love with my soul-mate. How do I...
Posted by FREE ALIM !!!!! on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 08:38:00 PST