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Larry Rush

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About Me

-------------------- MY THEME FOR CRY FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO ARE HELPING ME SHOULD BE :Larry Rush, aka, Leroy Thomas f AM-2728, a Pennsylvania Prisoner who have been on death row for over 19 years without ever be heard, is seeking financial support of $3,500.00 to litigate his case, or an any or law-firm to take on his case pro bono -------------------- Larry Rush, aka, Leroy Thomas #AM-2728 S.C.I. — Greene 175 Progress Drive Waynesburg, Pa. 15370-8090Dear Counselor, Law-Firm, Organization, Concern Individual:The crux, depth and brevity of this predetermined letter is being written in parts in hope that you would lend an ear of understanding to my cry for help. As 1 am quite sure that this letter has came upon you suddenly, abrupt, and quite by surprise. but please believe me when 1 expound upon the fact that my intentions aren’t to bore you with words which might prove to be inconsequential and meaningless should you venture into an enquiry. First, 1 will ask that you allow me the liberty to introduce myself and, much more, my reason for writing you. My name is Larry Rush, aka, Leroy “Slim” Thomas, and I’m a 47-year-old African/Indian American, fighting-to-prove-my-innocence DEATH ROW PRISONER. An individualist, critical, analytical, organic-intellectual. A writer, poet, philosopher, artist, avid chess-player, and prisoners litigator, that possesses a self-taught critical acumen which 1 employ in the struggle for the freedom of both myself and other unjustly incarcerated prisoners. Thus, you will find that my ultimate reason for writing you is as T mentioned above, ‘help’. Have you ever heard of anyone being on death row for over 18 years without being heard? Well, you have now, for 1 am that someone. Due to the fact that 1 have never developed an attorney/client relationship with none of the lawyers the court appointed to my case, any and everything conveyed by them on my behalf was no more than an empty formality. Therefore, in all actuality, 1 have never been heard. Hopefully, whenever 1 am given the opportunity to be heard, 1 will prove that 1 was framed and is an innocent man. I’m on death row because 1 was accused, tried and convicted of the stabbing death of my own cousin (Veronica Hands), who was the daughter of Pennsylvania’s State Representative Harold James (Harold James is my late-granduncle’s son, which makes Harold my late mother’s (blood) first cousin). However, what is not known to the public is that the real perpetrator(s) killed Harold’s daughter by mistake; they really was after his sister Linda James, because she owed drug dealers a whole lot of money for drugs (Linda was the one who first discovered that something was wrong at Veronica’s apartment the day she was found dead), who they killed while 1 was being held in the county prison without bail for Veronica Killing. As of this date, no one have been arrested for the 1987 Killing of Linda James. One day (1 hope beyond hope) all the true facts and circumstances surrounding my case will be brought to light. For now, 1 must hope that T get the help that T need before they (the State of Pennsylvania) kill me. At present, Tam representing myself(at least that is what T was granted by the PCRA court on Nov. 23, 2004; while on remand from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court), and T was allowed leave to file an amendment to my PCRA (Post Conviction Relief Act) petition, in which T done so on February 23, 2005. T filed a 86 pages amended PCRA petition along with 97 pages of exhibits (documents), and have been waiting ever since for the Commonwealth (the district attorney) to respond. T have tried working with the Federal Public Defenders in Philadelphia in the past, but their main objective is to get a death row prisoner a life sentence (something that was offered to me before my trial in 1987), and my light is not only to get off of death row, but rather to prove my innocence and be freed from this living hell altogether. 1 am not your average prisoner who have decided to represent himself without knowing what he is doing. lam, beyond question, the best prisoners litigator in the State of Pennsylvania. But there’s no doubt about it, 1 still do need an attorney (one whom will be 100% for justice), because there’s no way the courts are going to let me get away with the constitutional issues that T have raised, especially since such issues have the potential of removing over a hundred prisoners off of death row. Plus, lam unable to locate and call witness(es) that are needed for many of my claims. But at this juncture T have no choice but to fight my own light. However, the only way T can really allow myself to be sanguine about the future of my life, it is imperative that 1 not only obtain the necessary finds that is needed to litigate my case, but more importantly, that T find a lawyer(s), law-firm, and/or organization that will be willing to help me prove that T was framed and is an innocent (“Morally free from guilt, guiltless, free from the guilt of a particular crime or offense, a man I personal is innocent of the crime charged.” Source: Webster’s 1913 Dictionary) man. As my own lawyer T don’t need 10, 15,25 or 50 thousand dollars to be able to purchase the necessary legal material, i.e., typewriter ribbons, typing paper, carbon paper, legal tablets, legal envelopes, paid envelopes, photocopies of documents, purchasing a few legal books and material, typewriter repair (or new one), and to cover the cost of postage. As an attomey (paid or Pro Bono), law-firm, and/or organization, I’m not asking that you accept my self-serving assertion that I was framed and is an innocent man. I’m asking that you listen to what T have to say, examine my case with an objective and subjective state of mind, and use your expertise to help me prove it from your own perspective. Finally, as a concern individual who might sympathize with my present predicament, any and all support (financial, legal books, legal papers, or legal manual; a letter offering a moment of friendship in life’s short time span, or just a card wishing me well) would be very much appreciated. Sincerely, P.S. You can contact Mr. Rush Thomas (you can use either name as long as you use my number #AM-2728) at the above address, and donations to Mr. Rush! Thomas Legal Defense Fund can be sent to any one of the following addresses:(1) Pat Fros Zd Parallelweg 219 6812 BZ Arnhem Netherlands(2) Ms Frances Goldin F1 SB 57E 11 th st New York NV 10003 USA (3) Pamela Thomas 2 Eisfield Road Old Marston Oxfort OX3 OPR England. United Kingdom (4) J.Jaken Chorisborg 18 6228 BN Maastricht NetherlandsFor generous gift in support effort to obtain the necessary money I need to litigate my case can directly go to me WWW.JPAY.COM Leroy Thomas .........AM-2728 Pennsylvania State Prison System Greene Waynesburg U.S.A THANK YOU FOR READING MY LETTER !!!!!!!!!!!! I AM LARRY ALL ABOUT MY CASE CAN BE FUND AT : Docket 119 . 2007 application for extraordinary relief --------------------

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--------------------- C A P T U R El'm tired still sleep passes me by avoiding me like some torturous phantom teasing me with the snores of others I lay restless weary of the night strong wind blowing against the modern fixer of slavery but not quite hard enough for still I am capture. I AM - LARRY -----------------------------------------------------------

My Interests

---------------------- I walk softly across my soul-searching with my eyes closed ... I just feel because I and only I know what my soul beholds ... It's a description of enormous tranquility that overlaps my essence ... Reflecting generation of struggling souls, but only portions make up presence ... Caring, understanding, love, knowledge, commitment and Loyalty ... But above all else, I am a Black man ... that will always be true to myself, true to my cause, and true to my blackness ... So respect my royalty I AM LARRY --------------------- -------------------------- READ IT AND WEEP !!! It is easy for a person to cry out for revenge until they themself has to promenade in the shoes of the one being punished. I give you fair warning, further reading will result in perceptional disturbance. My name is Larry Rush, aka, Leroy "Slim" Thomas, my podium is a small, concrete double-barred, narrow, concealed window cell. I am buried alive. Literally. I claw against the walls of my coffin until my nails bleed. In the darkness my moans are no longer controllable and, in that breach of security, I'm forced to listen to my cries and its echoes. The effects are psychological-ly dismantling. Whatever pillar of strength you manage to smuggle inside the walls and con-fines of DEATH ROW will inevitably crumble. Then you realize what a hot com-modity sanity has become. It's scarce and infrequent. I personally watched sanity divorce its reasoner. Only to have a man I befriended stare at me blank-ly without recognition. As if the fire of his very essence had been extinguish-ed^My God! The need for fellowship is a necessity - a Bible, Koran, novel, (I iF) magazine, newspaper, radio, T.V., a lovely card, a letter, a phone con-versation, or a visit can mean the different between the life and death of a person1s inner spirit; it's survival of the personal self. Whatever judicial vehicle used to transport you here, whether it was an innocent wrongfully convicted, or the guilty pleading to such, the DEATH PENALTY and its housing pods are unconscionably horrific. It's remarkable in the extreme. Your arrival will result in your disconnection from anything vital. Intimate relationship with family and loved ones will become inconsider-able. Visitations are privileged and impersonal. You111 starve for intellectual stimulation and contract the disease diagnosed as "physical deterioration". I suffer from frequent episodes of claustrophobia. I am suffocating in here. I don't want to be killed. Teil death to quit lying in wait for mei It's will-fully and deliberately premeditating to end my life. It's waiting and wishing that I exhaust my appeals so it can appear at my cell door with^ a death warrant from the governor. I close my eyes and hope that if I don't see its face, maybe it'll leave me alone. Not too many people walk away from DEATH ROW. It's adamant in its slaughter. But still my belongings are neatly packed away. Some-how I will escape its clutchesl l'm one appeal away from exoneration. If one iav-^you see me and l'm still in shackles, I beg of you, let me be. Do not inter-Ce in what you do not understand. What if they forget to uncuff me? Maybe left them on to use as a deterrent to those around me? The anguish and torment this place has inflicted upon me is indelible. l'm incessantly handcuffed to its bragedies and un-riddable memories of the executions and those executed and how slose I came to being liquidated. If indeed I am truly spared. I AM - LARRY -------------------------

I'd like to meet:

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THE WALLS OF JERICHOLed through an ancient steel arch each step reluctant as the guard counted "One I" between puffs of his cheap stale cigar I was inducted without being a soldier I was instructed without being a student I was insulted without being a shame And infuriated at my nameless - #AM-2728 - catalogue name I felt an overwhelming need to smile(as shackles are removed) Freedom! To enjoy my confinement No! Oh My God! A silence scream within A man locked behind the walls of Jericho And Joshua not due for another 7 years I AM - LARRY --------------------


Walk 4 Life
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STAY AWAY !!!!!!Stay away from dysfunctional vibe that transforms into dysfunctional filth. Stay away from the false perception of time traveling through your veins. Stay away from the falsity of reality that grants victory Illusively deceptive. Stay away From the coward that puffs in the crowd but won't rise. stay away from the image you create in the mirror. stay away from lies encrypted with subliminal vision. stay, away from food grown from unblessed soil. stay away from the depth of your mind where fear beckons your imagination. Stay away from the sounds you love to hear but can't see. Stay away from the powers of evil that breathe from the walls around you. Stay away from the call of majestic delusions that breed poisonous disease, Stay away from the one who wants your soul to be sold.STAY AWAY !!!!!!!!I AM - LARRY -------------------- C A P T U R EI'm tired still sleep passes me by avoiding me like some torturous phantom teasing me with the snores of others I lay restless weary of the night strong wind blowing against the modern fixer of slavery but not quite hard enough for still I am capture. I AM - LARRY -------------------- -------------------- HAPPINESSHappenis, Luminescent light raysteriously inhibits exhilaration achieving spiritual ambulators nursed by luxuriant tears. They race from the eyes like soft morning dew drops from the stem of a black rose feeding life intimate crystals of jubilant pleasure. melodious wisdom embraces mournful minds Caressing thoughts with peace. a soft smile touched with a drop of love will open the womb of a lonely soul. Seduce my heart with the grace of light so I can kiss the wind. Clouds carry me away to lustrous innocence. Romance my vision lubricate my fears with joy I yearn for the iridescence of hope "while floating through a tranquil dream. Though I reach never do I taste the philosophy of my premonitions. Shower me with your legend of intimacy With the medaillon of faith, patience and perseverance. I pray Calling upon you for help OH HAPPINESS I AM - LARRY


What is Love?love is hope seeking self assurance to overcome an obstacle. It is a feeling of tranquility the heart of life, the joy of tears. Love is the cloud that flies, the wind that sighs, the earth that lies. Love is the spear that strikes all chains to the pearly gates. Love is the flower _ that sprouts in the day I and sleep through the night, what a beautiful dream, a perfect delight. Love is faith, the imperishable tooi, a gift from our God, a most precious jewel. Love is your blood that scatter your seed, building generations, adhering to one needs. Love is a force that replenishes self. It mends our sorrows, it gives us help. Love is watching the sun rise while being enclosed in a dark cave. Love is drinking water from an empty cup. Love is freezing ice with a flame. Love is hearing the rocks grow, seeing the voices of the animals, feeling the oceans flow. Love is the armor of the spirit, the atom of bliss, the essence of vision, it shall always persist. Consumed within nature, inbred in our souls. For it is our bounty, for it is our goal. So relish your wisdom, fly like a dove. For you're the answer to the question,WHAT IS LOVE? I AM - LARRY -------------------- THE WOMANHer mysterious strength within carries an aura of sea water and her voice Whispers not dreams. Upon her face are two glowing candles luminating a romantic vision and her hands harness a shower of twinkling stars. She smiles like the crescent and her thoughts travel like the scent of botanical gardens. First a princess then a queen but always an angel. Her beauty is the nest of our eggs. The counter part of life... The Woman. I AM - LARRY --------------------- LIFE ON THE TRAINA while back, I read a very interesting book that compared life to a train ride or a series o£ train rides. Life is like a train ride, it read. We get on. We ride. We get off. We get back on and ride some more. There are accidents and there are delays. At certain stops there are surprises. Some of these will translate into great moments of joy, some will result in profound sorrow. When we were born and we first board the train, we meet people whom we think will be with us for the entire journey. Those people are our parents! Sadly, this is far from the truth. Our parents are with us for as long as we absolutely need them. They too have journeys they must complete. We live on with the memories of their love, affection, friendship, guidance and their ever presence. There are others who board the train and who eventually become very important to us, in turn. These people are our brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances, whom we will learn to love, and cherish. Some people consider their journey like a jaunty tour. They will just go merrily along. Others will encounter many upsets, tears, losses on their journey. Others still, will linger on to offer a helping hand to anyone in need. Some people on the train will leave an everlasting impression when they get off.... Some will get on and get off the train so quickly, they will scarcely leave a sign that they ever traveled along with you or ever crossed your path.... We will sometimes be upset that some passengers whom we love, will choose to sit in another compartment and leave us to travel on our own. Then again, there's nothing that says we can's seek them out anyway. Nevertheless, once sought out and found, we may not even be able to sit next to them because that seat will already be taken. That's okay everyone's journey will be filled with hopes, dreams, challenges, setbacks and goodbyes. We must strive to make the best of it no matter what.. We must constantly strive to understand our travel companions and look for the best in everyone. Remember that at any moment during our journey, any one of our travel companions can have a weak moment and be in need our help. We too may vacillate or hesitate, even trip hopefully we can count on someone being there to be supportive and understanding The bigger mystery of our journey is that we don't know when our last stop will come. Neither do we know when our travel companions will make their last stop. Not even those sitting in the seat next to us. Personally, I know I'11 be sad to make my final stop... I'm surë of thatl My separation from all those friends and acquaintances I made during the train ride will be painful. Leaving all those I'm close to will be a sad thing. But then again, I'm certain that one day I'11 meet up with someone else. They'll be carrying their baggage...most of which they didn't have when they first got this train. I'11 be glad to see them again. I'11 also be glad to have contributed to their baggage and to have enrichec! their lives, just as much as they will have contributed to my baggage and enriched my life. We're all on this train ride together. Above all, we should all try to strive to make the ride as pleasant and memorable as we can, right up until we each make the final stop and leave the train for the last time.All Aboard!Safe Journey. I AM LARRY

My Blog


  A while back, I read a very interesting book that compared life to a train ride or a series o£ train rides. Life is like a train ride, it read. We get on. We ride. We get off. We get back on a...
Posted by Larry Rush on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:48:00 PST

to my dear friends,i like to say...

Dear friendsThank you very much for your support,your notes,and reactions,i deeply  appreciate. For the next time i am very busy,but you messages will be respondI am working to be compelled ...
Posted by Larry Rush on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:39:00 PST


CAPITAL" X" DEDICATED A DAY FOR LARRY,IN HIS WALK4LIFE   The date is April 29th.   He will have the statement Larry wrote put up as well!   (Please tell Larry that we send him our ...
Posted by Larry Rush on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 06:46:00 PST

Capital-"X" Announces Walk 4 Life.awareness to the Death Penalty and the injustices

Andre Latallade, also known as Capital-"X" will walk from Trenton New Jersey, approximately 1,700 miles to the Governors mansion in Texas in an attempt to bring awareness to the death penalty. The dea...
Posted by Larry Rush on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:29:00 PST

I am asking my friends,read.....

Larry Rush, aka, Leroy Thomas, a 48-year old African/Indian American, is an innocent man who has been on DEATH ROW since 1988 without ever being head in any court - NEVER! He is seeking you help in an...
Posted by Larry Rush on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:09:00 PST


DEVOTION         Devastation ! Ecliptically force of empowerment magnifies the Utilities o£ human wisdom. Eternal ! Linguistically tongues connect the cryptic chains with genera...
Posted by Larry Rush on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:03:00 PST


CAPTURE   I'm tired still sleep passes me by avoiding me like some torturous phantom teasing me with the snores of others I lay restless weary of the night strong wind blowing against the modern ...
Posted by Larry Rush on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:08:00 PST


      THE WALLS OF JERICHO   Led through an ancient steel arch each step reluctant as the guard counted "One I" between puffs of his cheap stale cigar I was inducted without bein...
Posted by Larry Rush on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:06:00 PST


STAY AWAY   Stay away from dysfunctional vibe that transforms into dysfunctional filth. Stay away from the false perception of time traveling through your veins. Stay away from the falsity of re...
Posted by Larry Rush on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:05:00 PST


HAPPINESS Luminescent light raysteriously inhibits exhilaration achieving spiritual ambulators nursed by luxuriant tears. They race from the eyes like soft morning dew drops from the stem of a black...
Posted by Larry Rush on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:00:00 PST