High thread counts, velvet, pillows, vintage toys, Julie, Julie's groovy pajamas, sleeping in, compliments, Special Blanket Parties, big beds.
I like her friends who treat me with respect and don't throw me off the bed. It's especially nice when they think I'm cute from the beginning. I hate when people meet me and say first off, "Har har har, he's not that white." Like I've never fucking heard that one before. I'm 36 years old and have probably never been cleaned; you wouldn't be that white either. Dicks.
Anyway, I have some nice friends already: Julie of course (I'm a little less cuddly than she likes, but she lets me stay in bed when there's, um, no one else in it with her); Orlando - but I get mad at him 'cos I never see her anymore; Cthulhu when he's not trying to eat me; Miffy bunny; The Cheshire Cat; James was nice even if he never wanted me around really; Alligator Hello Kitty; Bonni aka Bonorrhea because she taught me about New Fur; Alex - Julie's brother; and many many more friends over the years.
OH - once I ended up in the 'fridge after Julie played a couple of what I think were harmless pranks on her former roommate. That was probably the worst experience I've had.
I really don't care about your BAND, since I'm an inanimate object.
I am an inanimate object. I'm at the mercy of J's repetitive tastes.
Julie subjects me to gross horror, anysploitation, old movies and noir, and a lot of British comedy lately. But again, I am an inanimate object.
Not at the moment. I'm glad Julie got over her trashy talk show phase of the 90s. That was brutal. Reminder: I can't really watch tv. Inanimate object thing again. J hearts Mad Men.
The Velveteen Rabbit makes me cry every time. I'm REAL. Or at least, I want to be.
Grandpa Al for recognizing the cuteness and personality behind the little bitter bear in the window, Julie for loving me and taking me with her no matter where she goes, and I guess her parents for never losing me when she was little.