Records. Records.Music. Art. Love. Construction Paper. Vintage Aprons.Ceramic Owls.postcards. gnomes.Roller Skates. Films. Polaroid Cameras.Vintage toys. Giant Rubber Ears.Thrift stores,La Casa de Los Trucos, Press on Nails,Flamingo Plaza,walkers,Fabric, Sweating to the Oldies. Vintage goodies. Ceramic animals.Vintage Peugeot Schwinn and Raleigh Bicycles.. Ceramic Pirates. Halloween.Moustaches. Stick on Moustaches.Disguises. Glue. Old Postcards.Kamar Dolls. Old Porcelein Dolls.Pancake Faces. Vintage Records/Vinyl.Retro Kitsch.Tiki.Bobble Heads.Books.Ink.Strange and Unusual Musical Instruments. Accordians. Gypsies. Ukulele.Glockenspiels.Harmoniums.Autoharps. Vintage Postmortem Photography.Thrift Stores,Cardigan Sweaters.Super Hit Incense or Nag Champa.Dinosaurs. Robots.Vintage Toys, Wax Fetus Zine. The Never Ending list of interests one can have soo many. Japanese gummy leechee candy. Apple Juice. Silk Choco soy Milk. RoseBud Salve.Moochi Green Tea and Strawberry Ice Cream.Postcards,felt,Nori Paste.
Sneezes.sasquatch.cavemen. ..a i m lamummy81
Soooooo soo many. I usually watch movies at home or on movie nights at friends house most recent movies I have enjoyed were Arrebato,Emperor Tomato Ketchup,Spellbound,uhm and I saw Ed Wood again.
The Twilight Zone. Sundance. Cartoons.
Muchos y muchos Libros.
My Grandmother Gloria who recently passed away R.I.P. 1930- July 2008.