Basura profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Communicates with and is aided by insects of all kinds; trains small animals to assist her; can intuit by touch how any object was created; turns trash into treasure and reshapes rubbish into robots.

Because she lives in a pile of junk, she sometimes has trouble finding the cool gadgets she has made. Her insect friends can be unreliable when "primal needs" arise. She wears gloves to conceal the fact that her hands sweat. Alot.

Self-doubt in any form. She wants people to be proud of who they are, no matter how odd or different they are perceived to be.

"Is the trash gonna have to take YOU out?" and "Looks like it's gonna get messy!"

My Interests

Superheroism, biomimetics, entemology, etymology, Mushiking, robots, cyborgs, recycling, DIY, wearable art, deep sea fish, Victrolas and collecting 78 speed records, 1970s muscle cars, biodiesel, composting and worm-bins, energy efficiency, found art, urban exploration, meditation, strandbeests.....

I'd like to meet:

This creature has a steel skeleton and a polyester skin. It stands about 16 feet tall and weighs 2 tons, but can be set into motion by one person. Because of its height it catches enough wind to start moving.
Check out it's creator at



Bug, Kabuto-o Beetle, Tetsuo Iron Man, Willard, Dark Crystal, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


"Who Wants to Be a Superhero?" ....and "Aeon Flux", "Junkyard Wars" and "Monster Garage".


David Mack's "Kabuki" and "Scarab", "Shadow Lady", Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis," "Living Jewels," technical manuals.


My mom, my dad, my Godmother Dezzie, and anyone who pursued their dreams despite all odds.
...and airbags.

My Blog

What’s this "buying friends" thing/application?

Whoa.Every time I got to check my messages, I have at least 10 of those "I just bought you as my PET" or "I just hired you in my FRIEND FACTORY" comments.I was initially deleting them, thinking they w...
Posted by Basura on Sat, 17 May 2008 12:46:00 PST

Basura needs your help! Please read!

True Believers, friends, family and supporters:Last night I got into a horrible car accident. I thank God I am ok (sore, with just have a burn on my hand and a very minor eye injury from the airbag) b...
Posted by Basura on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:00:00 PST

Tonight’s Episode will have the most shocking elimination yet!

Posted by Basura on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:44:00 PST