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RELEASE 26.05.2008
Email :Deutschland
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- George Perry
GEORGE PERRY stands for Deep and exquisite tech-house. Especially in Britain and the U.S. knows the fine Elektrounds appreciate now the last years in Europe catchment holds. Harmonious and yet powerful hypnotic beats - but not intrusive hard, but full of feeling they draw the listener in its spell. The Frankfurt George Perry (FFM Velvet / Catwalk Barcelona / U60311 FFM) played with stars such as Armand van Helden, Terry Lee Brown Jr. and more. , Has developed his own way, house, techno, jazz, Down Beat elements and even break beats each other Dj Set to combine. And so that is not the ears pop, but in perfect harmony with pleasure dissolves. One can only difficult to solve and who still believes tech-house was boring, will benefit from this musician quickly disabused.
George is given his first fixed high class residency in a frankfurt scene club called Park Café in 1990, and over the next twelve years he is responsible for the musical arrangement week after week. At this legendary address, he shares the mixing desk with world league Djs like Armand van Helden, Sven Väth, Tom Novy, Felix Da Housecat, Carl Cox, Daft Punk and many other techno heroes of the decade.
He’s a master of his profession and knows how to play all genres of electronic music. After a short time, his sound, which reaches from deep-, tech-house and electro to progressive tunes, gains attention from Germany’s most popular clubs. In consequence, his discography is bedecked by numerous names of the national club scene. Actually, there can be read representative house music clubs like the U 60311 (Frankfurt), Villa Drei (Mannheim), 3001 (Düsseldorf), Monza (Frankfurt) and the Nachtcafé (Darmstadt).
Thanks to its excellent reputation, George unique sound is pretty soon asked for beyond European borders, and this is why his journeys times and again lead him to New York (limelight club), Madrid (Suxul), Chicago (Soundbar), Paris (Madamme), Toronto (Government), New Orleans (Casino) and Barcelona (Catwalk Club)– following his profession for electronic music. . And this is the reason, why a certain ‘George Perry’ gets the temperature rising in international club floors.
Since 2001, George furthermore spreads out his sound waves as resident Dj for the famous broadcast HR 3 Party Grooves (former Clubnight).
Bookings with Ian Pooley, Paul van Dyk, George Morel, The Disco Boys, Moonbootica, Dj T, Tom Novy ,Mousse T, M.A.N.D.Y. and Howard Donald decorate his biography as well as highlights like the after show parties for Puff Daddy, Bryan Adams or The Temptations. Moreover, he is engaged to play for various starlets’ top events like the Berlinale Movie Award , which both can be seen as Germany’s most glamorous events of public life.
Through his long-standing experience, George acquired a great musical sensitivity. Straight forward, groovy, pushing and catching with unexpected song-surprises, he manages to please the audiences all around the world. In combination with perfected technical skills and the understanding for the crowd’s needs he gives every night the peerless promise to qualify as a “night to rememberâ€â€¦
George Perry
GEORGE PERRY steht für exquisiten Deep und Tech-House. Vor allem in Großbritannien und den USA weiß man den feinen Elektrounds zu schätzen der nun auch die letzten Jahre in Europa Einzug hält . Harmonisch und dennoch kraftvoll wabernde Beats - allerdings nicht aufdringlich hart, sondern voller Gefühl ziehen sie den Hörer in ihren Bann. Der Frankfurter George Perry ( Velvet FFM / Catwalk Barcelona / U60311 FFM ) der mit Stars auflegte wie Armand van Helden, Terry Lee Brown Jr. uvm. , hat eine ganz eigene Art entwickelt, House, Techno, Jazz, Downbeatelemente und sogar Breakbeats miteinander im Dj Set zu kombinieren. Und zwar so, dass es nicht auf die Ohren knallt, sondern sich harmonisch in Wohlgefallen auflöst. Man kann sich nur schwer wieder lösen und wer heute noch glaubt, Tech-House sei langweilig, wird von diesem Genussmusiker schnell eines Besseren belehrt.
Sein eigenständiger Sound wird schnell auch europa- & weltweit begehrt, und so zieht es
George auf Dienstreisen nach New York (limelight club), Madrid (Suxul), Chicago
(Soundbar), Paris (Madamme), Toronto (Government), New Orleans (Casino) und Barcelona
(Catwalk Club)–im Dienste der elektronischen Musik. . Und so ist es in Dubai und Südamerika eben ein
gewisser George Perry, welcher die Stimmung im Club zum Kochen bringt.
Seit 2001 verbreitet George außerdem als Resident der HR 3 Party Grooves (ehemals
Clubnight) die Schallwellen ins Land.
Bookings mit Ian Pooley, Paul van Dyk, George Morel, The Disco Boys, Moonbootica, Daft Punk,
Mousse T, M.A.N.D.Y. oder Howard Donald zieren seine Biographie,
Durch jahrelange Erfahrung eignete sich George seine unverkennbare musikalische Sensibilität
an. Straight nach vorne, groovig, treibend und überraschende Track-Bonbons einbauend. In
Kombination mit perfektionierter Technik sowie dem Feingefühl für die Bedürfnisse des
Publikums gibt er jeder Nacht das Versprechen, sich zur ekstatischen „night to remember“ zu