Twinpitch profile picture


New Track: Da Capo !!!

About Me

Twinpitch Records:
Twinpitch „Basics“ Skilled Digital 01/08
Twinpitch „Superfresh“ Skilled Digital 02/08
Vincent Vega & Twinpitch „Da Capo“ Amused Records 12/07
Vincent Vega & Twinpitch „Badly Steep“ Skilled Digital 12/07
Twinpitch „Nonstop“ Skilled Records & Digital 11/07
Twinpitch „Metro“ Zyx Music 07/07
Twinpitch „Metro“ on „Wild Obsession CD-Compilation“ 12/06
Twinpitch „Debut“ Whitelabel 10/05
Twinpitch Remixes:
DJ Timeline „Silverati“ Decks Tracks 01/08
DJ Divinity „Walk on by“ Skilled Records & Digital tba.
Timo di Roy vs Vincent Vega „LizA“ Skilled Records & Digital 04/07
Acid Jacks tba.
Erick Decks tba.

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My Interests


Member Since: 8/6/2006
Band Members: ChRiZ (DJ//producer)
AlEX (DJ//producer)
ViNcEnT VeGa (co-producer)

distributed by:

Influences: NintenDo, SEGA, ATARI, SNK, C64, AMIGA, WWF, Macho Man Randy Savage, JuStIcE, CaSSiuS, AlAn BrAxE, Dj FalCOn, PhOenix, FrEnCh HouSe MusiC in GenEral, 70´s FunK/Soul like SiLver ConVenTioN, DianA RosS and The SuPreMeS, PoIntEr SisTers, RoSe Royce, BilL WitherS, BarrY WhitE, GrOvEr WasHington JR., SteVe WonDer, PriNcE, MJ, 80´s PoP, rEal Rockin stuff like FranZ FerdinanD, ThE Strokes, MaXimO ParK, LagWagon, thE Smashing Pumpkins, a.m.m...
Sounds Like: rOugH grOOvin/rOCkin sOuNdz
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

twinpitch booking info national // international !!!

hey everyone, our good friend and co-producer vincent vega just added us to his new founded  booking agency "godeep-records//bookings" in russia.  if you are interested about free dates - n...
Posted by Twinpitch on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 09:07:00 PST

fresh new tracks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey everyone, after long days and nights in the studio we ´ve just finished our new dope club tracks "nonstop" and "basics" which had a great debut in the "niteclub blau" at saarbrücken last weekend...
Posted by Twinpitch on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:11:00 PST

new pics online....!

hey everyone, we just wanted to let you know that we have added some new pics of us and friends visiting mellowclub bad kissingen. you´re welcome to take a look;-)
Posted by Twinpitch on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:19:00 PST