Ann profile picture


No one can out-dance evil!

About Me

I draw things, sometimes. If you care to see some of my art check out my DeviantArt page. Painting is fun, so are video games. One day I'm marrying Squaresoft. Yes, the whole company, but especially Nobuo Uematsu and Yoshitaka Amano, because they're awesome, and who's going to stop me? Godzilla? I like to play Dungeons and Dragons, but I should never be a Bard, or any character that needs to speak for that matter, I have learned this; social and Ann do not mix. Just stick me in the front and I'll Cleave stuff, that's what I do. Other than that, there's not much to say about me...I have a dog, and guinea pigs, and a turtle who will one day grow as large as the Titanic and will destroy the world as we know it. Her name is Tetris, and she will be your doom.

My Interests

anime, video games, roleplaying games, horses, comics, art, general wackyness. I'm playing a text-based MUD at the moment called Abandoned Reality . It's been around for ages and hardly anyone plays anymore, but it's sill a fun game, and free of course, so if you're bored sometime check it out. Liatris, destroyer of tiny worlds, will gladdly give you a tour if she's around.

I'd like to meet:

Someone amusing. I don't really care who, I just like to laugh.


a lot of random stuff. They Might Be Giants is my favorite band, but I also like Scissor Sisters, the Darkness, Pansy Division, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Vengaboys, Yoko Kanno, Stevie Wonder, the Eagles, the Beatles, MC Chris, Garbage, Simon and Garfunkle, Billy Joel, Children of Bodom, Kittie, and a lot of other bands whose names escape me at the moment. I also love listening to video game music, especially anything by Nobuo Uematsu or Yasunori Mitsuda. Overclocked remix has fun video game remixes.


also pretty random. Ferris Beuler's Day Off, the Army of Darkness, Crash, Fifth Element, Apollo 13, Roujin Z, Akira, Spirited Away, Perfect Blue, Boondock Saints, Versus, Six String Samurai, Shaolin Soccer, Memento, Kill Bill, Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Saw, Ringu/the Ring, Ju-On/the Grudge, the Lord of the Rings movies, the Harry Potter movies, Can't Hardly Wait, Empire Records, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Black Cauldron, Dark Crystal, the Last Unicorn, the Iron Giant, the Incredibles, Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies, the Cowboy Bebop movie, the Utena movie, the Escaflowne movie, Special Combat Duty Unit SHINESMAN!, Baoh, ... there's a lot more, but I can't think of them right now...


Invader Zim, Reboot, Firefly, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Sealab 2021, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Blue's Clues, Rainbow Bright, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teen Titans, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Futurama, Family Guy, Dead like Me,


Catch-22, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Salmon of Doubt, the older Dragonlance books, the older Wheel of Time books, Redwall, the Hobbit, Welcome to the Monkey House, 1982, Winnie the Pooh, Treasure Island, the Wind in the Willows, Candide, Animal Farm, stuff by Edgar Allen Poe, stuff by Shell Silverstein, How to be Evil, Bunnicula, Dealing with Dragons, but most defintily NOT A Portrait of Dorian Gray or Lord of the Flies;Comic books: Blade of the Immortal, Transmetropolitan, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Gon

My Blog

I'm an April fool

I really wish I'd been born on April Fool's day. It just seems like it would have been the ultimate prank on my birth mom.  Also it would have proved to me that whatever higher being is out there...
Posted by Ann on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 08:05:00 PST

a roleplaying game for the D&D paranoid?

My half brothers have expressed interest in trying a role playing game. However, they're terrified of Dungeons and Dragons because, well, they are born-again christians, and christians in general seem...
Posted by Ann on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 06:41:00 PST


Go watch it. Seriously, like Crash, it's just one of those movies everyone needs to see. Do not fear the pg-13 rating, I promise they did not dumb it down. And if you're not familiar with Rent!, well,...
Posted by Ann on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 06:37:00 PST

the Reactor

Ah yes, cosplay, I do love it so. It's like halloween, except without candy and little kids, and occasionally one really scary big hairy guy dressed as Fay Valentine from Cowboy Bebop.  Some migh...
Posted by Ann on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 10:42:00 PST

Chrono Trigger OVA?!?

Holy crap. Did anyone else know about this? There's a Chrono Trigger OVA which was apparently made when the game came out in Japan. It's called Nuu-ma-monja and is a short animation about the adventur...
Posted by Ann on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 02:27:00 PST

3 Day pictures

Finally got pictures from the 3 day walk for the cure, enjoy! It was raining when we started walking on the first day, hence all the ponchos. The line of walkers stretches on for miles. my two moms...
Posted by Ann on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 02:40:00 PST

Because I clearly have too much time on my hands...

can't decide if I like the one in the middle or on the right best... Crash is an amazing movie, everyone should watch it. It has nothing to do with zombies, I just thought you should know about it....
Posted by Ann on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 04:01:00 PST


Victory!   I reached my funding raising goal for the breast cancer three day walk, w007!  Thanks for your support folks, I promise I'll walk the whole 60 miles and then some! Don't bel...
Posted by Ann on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 03:04:00 PST

Harvest Moon for Girls - hurray I can finally date boys!

As a much belated birthday present my brother got my Harvest Moon: More Freinds of Mineral Town. Yes, the for girls version is finally here, huzzah! If you're not familiar with the Harvest Moon series...
Posted by Ann on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 07:13:00 PST

Blue's Clues and Devils Rejects

My brother and friends and I saw Devils Rejects, sequel to House of a Thousand Corpses tonight. If I have a soul, I'm fairly certain the simple act of watching these movies has tarnished it permanentl...
Posted by Ann on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST