tisadaydream profile picture


Welcome to my daydream...

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I'm layed back and like to take on the world. I love to enjoy life no matter what I'm doing. If I haven't tried it I will soon.
..img src="http://m3.pimpmyspace.org/cursors/pmyspace.gif" alt="myspace" style="position:absolute; left:0px; top: 0px;" border="0" Lyrics

My Interests

Everything... I like to be adventurous and try new things. Anything from a glass of wine to jumping out of a plane. I'm opposite ends of the spectrum all rooled into one. I really love music, snowboarding, rollerblading, traveling, and being with friends.

I'd like to meet:

that one girl right there... wait why are you looking over there... or this would be ok ...


Anything and everything...(with talent). Pychopathic, rock, rap, reggae, punk, country, blues, jazz, classical, metal, bluegrass, folk, industrial, hip hop, and a little bit of that other stuff...


I'm a big movie fan... I love movies. It's got to be dark and quite. I'll watch just about anything, but I tend to be very critical. I'm real big on action and comedies, but love a good drama and the rare good horror flick (bad ones are funny though).


I'm not real big on TV. TV lost it's zing for me...


And this is where I tend to change the subject...
You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?
Your Personality Profile
You are funky, outdoorsy, and down to earth.
While you may not be a total hippie...
You're definitely one of the most free spirited people around.
You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure.
However, you do put some thought behind all your actions.
Still, you do tend to shock and offend people from time to time! The World's Shortest Personality Test
Cis forCynical
His forHeavenly
Ris forRomantic
Iis forInspirational
Sis forSkillful What Does Your Name Mean?


My parents and grand-parents...

My Blog

A little poetry never hurt...

Aspiring to reach Grasping for the future Decisions are made For unfulfilled dreams Misdirection and sleep   Lucid or life Orange fades to black Pondering inquiries Stuck in a rut The quivering ...
Posted by tisadaydream on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 02:30:00 PST

One more for now...

Your prize To wonder why A question for anything An answer never enough Always and where it started   I can not for see Life keeps on going There is only one stop   I say to myself Why jump ...
Posted by tisadaydream on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 03:01:00 PST

The good ole cheezy ryhme time...

Boredom A state of mind That is hard to escape Nothing exciting Like the slick side of tape   To use your brain In ways unseen They always ask Where have you been   To tell them the truth ...
Posted by tisadaydream on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 02:46:00 PST