painting, drawing, reading, shoes (yeah we all have a bit of air head in us!), sleep, world affairs/politics, R.E.S.P.E.C.T-a new political party, astronomy(not astrology people!!!), vegetarianism, islam, other religions, other cultures, other people, any thing really that can maintain my short attention span. the sad truth is i am a lazy bum and dont do do these things all that often!!!!! o can think of more, swimming (tho i can never adjust to the pressure change), squash and cycling. do they work and keep me fit? eerrrrrr NO! last but not least, my mates and parties!!!!
dudes and dudettes on my level with PASSION! muslims of any kind or jus God consious people! and chilled out ppl, no stressers pls, u make me sweat!I DONT WANT NO 'BIRD COLLECTORS'if u fit into these categories u r a 'bird collector' and i don't wan to know u!1) u r ugly 2) u have scantily clad women (aka ho's) reachin the 100's with probaly one or two gay men. (i aint got beef with ho's but u want to be another statistic that is your bizness-just i aint one of u lot!!) 3) u send cheesy ass comments 4)u send me a mail, askin me how i am and blah blah tryin to make me feel 'special' then ask to be added. 5) the chances are u r a 'closet gay' 6) or are secretly hopin to loose ur virginity to one of those women.what ever dont add me.
indie, hip hop, rock, metal,classical (ppl dont ask me to name too many, i only know the most popular) ............english morris dancin!
i love movies except those with crappy story lines and action only.... u no who u r movies!
simpsons, scrubs, friends, will and grace, malcom in the middle and only fools and horses the best comedy ever!
Quran. i am a book worm once i pick one up. i like all sorts, i havnt done fiction though for time! o my this will make me sound so dry, i like to read New Scientist! urgh! i like to read a variety of religious books, i read fashion mags (not gossip-there is a difference!) i love the 'this life' and 'nemi' comics at the back of the metro. i read The Indepentant paper, The Jang(!), national geographic should i get my hands on it o and last but not least the coma-inducing THE CELL!!!!
the prophet pbuh, did so much for mankind. louis pasteur was described as 'mediocre' however excelled in so many ways and was a risk taker. did so much for medicine.