"When crowd-delirium is exploited for the benefit of governments and orthodox churches, the exploiters are always very careful not to allow the intoxication to go too far. The ruling minorities make use of their subjects’ craving for downward self-transcendence in order, first, to amuse and distract them and, second, to get them into a sub-personal state of heightened suggestibility. Religious and political ceremonials are welcomed by the masses as opportunities for getting drunk on herd-poison, and by their rulers as opportunities for planting suggestions in minds which have momentarily ceased to be capable of reason or free will."Aldous Huxley
My hyper-active idiotic-deprecating self at 18. Other carbon-based artists, weirdos, self-proclaimed deities, heretics, derelicts of dialects, anti-heroes, intellectuals, historians, editors, scribes, pages, pervs, interns, pee-ons, poop-ons, no morons, mediums, and one size fits-alls.
Mindwalk, Karate Kid 2, Grumpier Old Men, Hard To Kill, Goodness Gracious Me (BBC Series), Crippled Masters, The Octagon, Lone Wolf McQuade, Shaolin Soccer, A Brief History of Time, Die Harder, F is for Fake, Bubble Boy, A Day Without A Mexican, Johnny Got His Gun, Gleaming The Cube, Holy Mountain, The Wrath of Khan, Spice World, Rambo 3, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Robotech, Any Which Way But Loose, Against All Odds, They Call Me Bruce, Network...
Alexyss K. Tylor Show on Atlanta Public Access, and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.
I love words...