A 3D animation I recently did for my university...
Our People Started it all ! We are the Phoenicians we are the Lebanese ! :)
I'd like to meet my ancestors that invented alephbeth=alphabet.
Ya Beirut !
Old Persian and Arabic Museeqa ! Old French, Italian, & Spanish Musica ! Old Russian and Serbian Music too ! TRADITIONAL MUSIC IS ALWAYS BETTERYadeostad Areftekhari, Hazan Ava,Amr Diab,,Cheb Khaled,,Mostafa Kamel,,Asalah,,Fayez-El-Saeed,,Diablo,,Cheb Hansi,,Fayrouz,,Wael Kfoury,,Nawal El Zoughbi,,Nawal Karam,,Julia Botros,,Mohamed Adaweya,,this list will keep going ! yallah!MUSE French Rap, lots and lots of foreign music, alternative, old jazz, rap, DJ's, you name it ! I Listen to everything except Country, so just try me!!!Pedro the Lion,,Smashing Pumpkins,,Radio Head,,TOOL,,NIN,,DJ Shadow,,Dead Can Dance,,Lisa Gerrard,,Hans Zimmer,,Vannessa Mae,,Siguros and Mogwai,,Godspeed You Black Emperor,,RJD2,,Diam,,MC Solaar,,Django Reinhardt,,Mills Brothers,,Swing Music,,Bob Dylan,,The Beatles,,CCR,,Modest Mouse,,Aesop Rock,,Atmosphere,,Belle and Sebastion,, Mozart, Bach, Handel, Gustov Mahler,,Nobou Uematsu,,SubLime,,Pink Floyd,,Fly Pan AM,,Do Make Say Think,,Silver Mt. Zion,,Beck,,Red Hot Chili Peppers,,James Brown,,Jack Johnson,,John Mayer,,Punjabi MC,,Ravi Shankar,,Damion Gerado,,Damien Rice,,Fiona Apple,,My Morning Jacket,,Nick Cave,,Nick Drake,,Johnny Cash,,Iron and Wine,,Elbow,,Cold Play,,Dido,,Marylin Manson,,Cake,,Weezer,, Kill Hannah,,Peter Yorn,,The Flaming Lips,,Ben Harper,,Rufus Wainwright,, ,,ETC ETC ETC the List goes on Forvever and congrats if you made it this far :)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WEST BEIRUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A ClockWork Orange,,28 Days Later,, Princess Mononoke,, The Insider,, ZooLander,, Billy Madison,,Ali G.,,Snatch,,Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,,Gladiator,, Lord of the Rings,, The Matrix 1,, The Last Samurai,, Following,, Momento,,Lost In Translation,,8 Mile,,Pulp Fiction,,Kill Bill,,Reservoir Dogs,,,and there are so many others, I won't get carried away like I did with my music section ;?)
oh and Fight Club
24, The Sopranos, Family Guy, Simpsons, Seinfeld. Otherwise TV is pretty god awful.
A ClockWork Orange,,To Kill a Mocking Bird and some others I try to stick to the history books though, I like to learn when I read. Oh and I love poetry. So I'm a mixed bag when it comes to literature. : )
The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)Imam Ali Talib (pbuh)
Imam Hussein (pbuh)
Palestinians fighting Zionism in Palestine
Jesus, The Virgin Mary, and St. Maroun !!!
My Cat because he shows me how to be a lazy ass and enjoy it :)