Check out (and buy), my first ISBN-havin', published book
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i am a Martial Artist, a Martial Arts teacher.
i'm also an artist, a Web and Graphic Designer, and an author. i'm back in school finishing my Art Ed degree, as well as using a BA in Religious Studies as a spring board for doing Graduate Studies in the same (with an emphasis on Middle Eastern Religious Studies). Wrapping up my language credits in Arabic before i can make that happen though; and working on Masters credits in the meantime (preemptively). Some of my books are found at New Dawn Publications i used to list them all here, complete with images, but then it just took too damn long to load this page. What good does that do, eh? Just check out New Dawn and order some to help-a-brotha-out. For real, it helps keep me writing, and putting this stuff out.
If you enjoy my writing, or are interested in these topics then order them. Authors make money when they write about things that make money. Most of what i write about are not big money topics. People tend to want to read things that conform to their existing understanding on matters. That's not my approach. Other booklets that i have written on Chi Kung and Internal Martial Arts are available as well. There are also about half a dozen in the works, that i've just been putting off finalizing for one reason or another.
New Dawn Publications can be found on the World Wide Web (no one says that anymore... isn't it refreshingly 90's?), at: You can find a ton more there, including Biogenesis. New PDF's are listed here for purchase and download.
Beyond E.DIN: Exploring the Origins of Genesis in Early Mesopotamian Religion
This is one of two articles i wrote for a class that dealt with Biblical parallels in early Mesopotamian religion(s). i named it after a series of texts i banged out a decade ago while working as a security supervisor at P&G's animal torture facilities.
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Proof of the Divine Empirically Reasoning the Existence of a CONSCIOUS Higher Power
This is a fairly short text written a few years back when i somehow got talked into tabling at a lot of shows. Having to reiterate my position on how a conscious Supreme Power - which created and sustains the Universe within it's Mind - can be ascertained purely through reason and empiricism... well... got old. i wrote this so i could refer interested parties to it, and otherwise tell uninterested parties to read it or leave me alone.
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The Legacy of Abraham the Hebrew: Migration, Dissemination and Unity of the Eber and Arab lines
This is the second text i wrote for a class correlating Early Mesopotamia history and religion with the accounts found in the Torah, Midrashic accounts and such. The text explores the meaning (and differences), between Hebrew and the latter "Children of Israel" and "Jew." Also explores various Mesopotamian records of the Hebrews of both Isaaci and Ishmaeli lines.
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Gun Control and Black Powerlessness
i wrote this this text in one of the most influential courses i took as an Undergrad. The course was a "Religion and Diversity" requirement. Knowing this Professor Paul Griffin - author of "Seeds of Racism" - decided to really challenge the predominantly white Religious Studies majors. i ate this class up and received a rare A in the course and on the paper from Professor Griffin. The text is fairly self-explanatory, but is based on loads of information from primary sources which will both disgust and surprise you. If ever there is a need for a popular uprising, this text would be on the required reading list, fueling the necessary discontent to spark it.
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The Greatest Story NEVER Told
The culmination of a lifetime of research and no less than 12 years of concentrated effort, this book is the first phase in what will be the intended major writing of my career. There is nothing that presents as well documented, diverse and complete a picture of the life of the historical Jesus as do the tentative chapters of this text.
Subscribe to the discussion group and receive all preliminary chapters now! $99.99
Self Cultivation in Philosophical-Speculative Daoism: Indications of Practical Methods in the Laozi and Zhuangzi Texts
Many scholars of Chinese Religion tend to take an approach that divides the Philosophical-Speculative tradition of the Laozi and Zhuangzi era Daoist texts from that of later "religious" Daoism as epitomized in the T'ien Shr and T'aiping/Huang Jin Movement.
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Virtue and the Way: Cultivating Flood-Like Qi
Though this is one of the least expensive booklets from San Szu, it is perhaps the most important. The text covers detailed explanation of the Daodejing which is often overlooked, as well as the understanding the Daodejing by Mencius and the fundamental re-evaluation of the Laozi in light of the Mawangdui version and textual ordering,Related to this is the discussion of where morality fits into one's lifestyle when they seek to live in accordance with the Dao, and engage in alchemaic practices of "Qi cultivation."
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Additionally, i make THE BEST Dit Da Jow available for public sale IN THE WORLD. If you find one better then i'll give you a bottle FREE! If you are a Martial Artist and do conditioning and/or Iron Palm (or Iron Body) training, then contact me about sizes and pricing.
For more information on what i believe in and stand for, check out some of the following websites:
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Other good links...
This is pretty much the best site ever. Totally out-did my "Lying Pens of the Scribes" booklet (one day to be finalized as a book). Now some of this site is being difficult (acting in some parts as though they don't understand the context of things); but it's funny never the less. If you can't laugh at this then you take life too seriously. Additionally, it humorously illustrates some clearly fucked up stuff that made it's way into the Biblical Canon.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Innocents Betrayed (Documentary by JPFO) Sadly, i have met far too many people exactly like this; White, Arab, Persian, Asian alike (though this IS a predominantly "white" phenomenon). Click here to read a bit about it...
Even better: "Stuff White People Like" blog
Love is revolution.
.. Race : The Power of an Illusion (The Difference Between Us) Chapter One - The Difference Between Us ... 57 min -
- .. Race : The Power of an Illusion (The Story We Tell) Chapter Two - The Story We Tell ... 57 min -
- .. Race : The Power of an Illusion (The House We Live In) Chapter Three - The House We Live In ... 57 min -