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Fuck John McCain! Fuck Oligarchies! Fuck Old America!

About Me

Check out (and buy), my first ISBN-havin', published book

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i am a Martial Artist, a Martial Arts teacher.

i'm also an artist, a Web and Graphic Designer, and an author. i'm back in school finishing my Art Ed degree, as well as using a BA in Religious Studies as a spring board for doing Graduate Studies in the same (with an emphasis on Middle Eastern Religious Studies). Wrapping up my language credits in Arabic before i can make that happen though; and working on Masters credits in the meantime (preemptively). Some of my books are found at New Dawn Publications i used to list them all here, complete with images, but then it just took too damn long to load this page. What good does that do, eh? Just check out New Dawn and order some to help-a-brotha-out. For real, it helps keep me writing, and putting this stuff out.

If you enjoy my writing, or are interested in these topics then order them. Authors make money when they write about things that make money. Most of what i write about are not big money topics. People tend to want to read things that conform to their existing understanding on matters. That's not my approach. Other booklets that i have written on Chi Kung and Internal Martial Arts are available as well. There are also about half a dozen in the works, that i've just been putting off finalizing for one reason or another.

New Dawn Publications can be found on the World Wide Web (no one says that anymore... isn't it refreshingly 90's?), at: newdawn.dharmahost.biz. You can find a ton more there, including Biogenesis. New PDF's are listed here for purchase and download.

Beyond E.DIN: Exploring the Origins of Genesis in Early Mesopotamian Religion
This is one of two articles i wrote for a class that dealt with Biblical parallels in early Mesopotamian religion(s). i named it after a series of texts i banged out a decade ago while working as a security supervisor at P&G's animal torture facilities.

Order now for $5.99

Proof of the Divine Empirically Reasoning the Existence of a CONSCIOUS Higher Power
This is a fairly short text written a few years back when i somehow got talked into tabling at a lot of shows. Having to reiterate my position on how a conscious Supreme Power - which created and sustains the Universe within it's Mind - can be ascertained purely through reason and empiricism... well... got old. i wrote this so i could refer interested parties to it, and otherwise tell uninterested parties to read it or leave me alone.

Order now for $5.99

The Legacy of Abraham the Hebrew: Migration, Dissemination and Unity of the Eber and Arab lines
This is the second text i wrote for a class correlating Early Mesopotamia history and religion with the accounts found in the Torah, Midrashic accounts and such. The text explores the meaning (and differences), between Hebrew and the latter "Children of Israel" and "Jew." Also explores various Mesopotamian records of the Hebrews of both Isaaci and Ishmaeli lines.

Order now for $5.99

Gun Control and Black Powerlessness
i wrote this this text in one of the most influential courses i took as an Undergrad. The course was a "Religion and Diversity" requirement. Knowing this Professor Paul Griffin - author of "Seeds of Racism" - decided to really challenge the predominantly white Religious Studies majors. i ate this class up and received a rare A in the course and on the paper from Professor Griffin. The text is fairly self-explanatory, but is based on loads of information from primary sources which will both disgust and surprise you. If ever there is a need for a popular uprising, this text would be on the required reading list, fueling the necessary discontent to spark it.

Order now for $5.99

The Greatest Story NEVER Told
The culmination of a lifetime of research and no less than 12 years of concentrated effort, this book is the first phase in what will be the intended major writing of my career. There is nothing that presents as well documented, diverse and complete a picture of the life of the historical Jesus as do the tentative chapters of this text.

Subscribe to the discussion group and receive all preliminary chapters now! $99.99

Self Cultivation in Philosophical-Speculative Daoism: Indications of Practical Methods in the Laozi and Zhuangzi Texts
Many scholars of Chinese Religion tend to take an approach that divides the Philosophical-Speculative tradition of the Laozi and Zhuangzi era Daoist texts from that of later "religious" Daoism as epitomized in the T'ien Shr and T'aiping/Huang Jin Movement.

Order now for $5.99

Virtue and the Way: Cultivating Flood-Like Qi
Though this is one of the least expensive booklets from San Szu, it is perhaps the most important. The text covers detailed explanation of the Daodejing which is often overlooked, as well as the understanding the Daodejing by Mencius and the fundamental re-evaluation of the Laozi in light of the Mawangdui version and textual ordering,Related to this is the discussion of where morality fits into one's lifestyle when they seek to live in accordance with the Dao, and engage in alchemaic practices of "Qi cultivation."

Order now for $5.99

Additionally, i make THE BEST Dit Da Jow available for public sale IN THE WORLD. If you find one better then i'll give you a bottle FREE! If you are a Martial Artist and do conditioning and/or Iron Palm (or Iron Body) training, then contact me about sizes and pricing.

For more information on what i believe in and stand for, check out some of the following websites:

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Other good links...

This is pretty much the best site ever. Totally out-did my "Lying Pens of the Scribes" booklet (one day to be finalized as a book). Now some of this site is being difficult (acting in some parts as though they don't understand the context of things); but it's funny never the less. If you can't laugh at this then you take life too seriously. Additionally, it humorously illustrates some clearly fucked up stuff that made it's way into the Biblical Canon.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Innocents Betrayed (Documentary by JPFO)
BlackPeopleLoveUs.com Sadly, i have met far too many people exactly like this; White, Arab, Persian, Asian alike (though this IS a predominantly "white" phenomenon). Click here to read a bit about it...
Even better: "Stuff White People Like" blog

Love is revolution.

.. Race : The Power of an Illusion (The Difference Between Us) Chapter One - The Difference Between Us ... 57 min -
- video.google.com .. Race : The Power of an Illusion (The Story We Tell) Chapter Two - The Story We Tell ... 57 min -
- video.google.com .. Race : The Power of an Illusion (The House We Live In) Chapter Three - The House We Live In ... 57 min -
- video.google.com

My Interests

The Divine, and Submission to the Divine

1. "Accept everything just the way it is."
2. "Do not seek pleasure for its own sake."
3. "Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a partial feeling."
4. "Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world."
5. "Be detached from desire your whole life long."
6. "Do not regret what you have done."
7. "Never be jealous."
8. "Never let yourself be saddened by a separation."
9. "Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself or others."
10. "Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love."
11. "In all things have no preferences."
12. "Be indifferent to where you live."
13. "Do not pursue the taste of good food."
14. "Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need."
15. "Do not act following customary beliefs."
16. "Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful."
17. "Do not fear death."
18. "Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age."
19. "Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help."
20. "You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honor."
21. "Never stray from the Way."
- Miyamoto Musashi, "The Way to be Followed Alone" (Dokkodo)

1. Do not delight in deviance. Delight is the same as anger.
2. Do not waste your jing and qi.
3. Do not injure the ascendant qi.
4. Do not consume beasts that contain blood, delighting in their flavor.
5. Do not envy the achievements and fame of others.
6. Do not practice false arts or point to any shape and call it the Dao.
7. Do not neglect the law of the Dao.
8. Do not act recklessly.
9. Do not kill or speak of killing.
10. Do not study deviant texts.
11. Do not covet glory or seek it strenuously.
12. Do not seek fame.
13. Do not be deceived by your ears, eyes or mouth.
14. Place yourself in a humble position.
15. Do not slight or become agitated.
16. Consider carefully all undertakings and do not be flustered.
17. Do not pamper your body with good clothes and fine foods.
18. Do not allow [internal] overflow.
19. Do not, through poverty, seek strenuously after wealth.
20. Do not commit any of the various evil acts.
21. Do not overly observe the interdictions and taboos.
22. Do not pray or sacrifice to demons and spirits.
23. Do not be obstinate.
24. Do not consider yourself inerrant.
25. Do not contend with others over right and wrong. When you meet the contentious, flee them.
26. Do not proclaim yourself to be a Sage, nor contribute to the fame of the mighty.
27. Do not delight in arms.
- Xiang Er, Precepts of the T'ien Shi

Family: Both those related by blood and those related in the heart.

True Revolution, that is "Change" as opposed to political bantering and rhetorical tough talk

Martial arts: Ch'uan-Fa (Dharma Fist), later known as "Kung-Fu" (Practice and Time): Primarily Northern, though some knowledge of Hung Gar and Wing Chun; also various animal styles such as Crane. My focus is on Taoist forms of Chinese Martial Arts, though Taoist Martial Arts have been traditionally taught after a strong foundation of Shaolin Kung-Fu, which also forms my foundation. Along with the Nei Jia (T'aijiquan, Xingyiquan and Baguazhang), i am an instructor in Traditional Northern Chinese Kung-Fu (which is to develop the essential basics of fighting before teaching at advanced levels more esoteric Taoist systems).

Kali or Escrima of several systems.

To a lesser extent, some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, cross training only a couple times a week in this.

Muay Thai cross-training a couple times a week with friends who focus more on that system.

Ba Gua Zhang: Traditional Cheng style as well as the "Swimming Dragon" variant. i love Ba Gua, but see it as the pinnacle of study. It is said that mastery of Ba Gua takes 20 years. As such, one should practice Ba Gua in conjunction with other styles just as its founder Dong, Hai Ch'uan was first a master of Lo Han Ch'uan before learning Ba Gua from an enigmatic Taoist teacher.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Big Frame, Old Style Yang Style is my primary emphasis, and is the style that i currently am an instructor in. i also study Chen, Pan-Ling style, which is a rare hybridization of Chen, Yang and Wu style, and Chen Old Style. i've studied, and will continue to study, other styles of T'aiji as well; but these are my favorites.

Xingyiquan: Primary lineage background in Hebei style(s), with some cross-training exploration of variant off-shoots of this style including Chen, Pan-Ling's variation of Hebei and some exposure to Shenlung style.

Shooting: long and short range weapons

Gun smithing/building

Strength training

Sports Nutrition and Supplementation

Herbology and Chinese Medicine: From continuous research and learning to feel the properties of the herbs through practical investigation.


Positive Music


Iron Cock and Balls...last, but certainly not least, hanging and swinging heavy things from my dick and nuts in conjunction with Chi Kung and meditation.

Iron Palm, Pole Training, Iron Body: in the last case, self flagellation/beating the shit out of myself in conjunction with Chi Kung and Meditation. i'm a real fun guy, i swear!

I'd like to meet:

"Marijuana doesn't make you feel good or bad, it just amplifies your emotions. It makes you feel more of what you're already feeling... I could go on and on about how having THC consistently in my brain has affected my jiu-jitsu game, but if it's not painfully obvious to you that the 10th Planet Jiu-jitsu style was developed by a hardcore stoner, then you're definitely not paying attention."
"I was already a grown man with a fully formed personality and a successful career when I first got turned onto it, and I think that's why I appreciate it in a different way than the average pothead.

"What's really amazing is that it's illegal. In a country where cigarettes kill 400,000 people each and every year, marijuana has killed zero. A hundred and fifty people die each year from coconuts falling on their heads, and pot kills zero. Prescription drugs kill over 100,000 each year, including a lot of drugs that would be completely unnecessary if pot was legal, and who knows how many are killed by alcohol, especially when you factor in not just alcohol overdoses, but drunk driving accidents, suicide and booze inspired violence.

"All the while, marijuana remains harmless. It's a plant that grows naturally, all over the world. It kills no one, it's got dozens of medicinal uses, it acts as a turbocharger for your imagination, and yet it can get you locked up in a cage if you're caught with it. Seriously, is that not some of the craziest shit you've ever heard in your fucking life? Before you answer that question, I think perhaps you should smoke a joint and really think about it.
"The companions of the one who will rise will be 313 people. They will be foreigners. Some of them will be carried on the clouds during the day. They will be known by their names, their fathers’ names, their qualities and lineages. Some of them will be taken from their beds to be in Mecca in the morning without any appointment."

Kitaabu-l-Ghayba, Nu’mani p. 451, Ithbatu-l-Hudat, vol.3 p.547, Bihaaru-l-Anwaar, vol.52 p.368, Mu’jam Ahadeeth al-Mahdi, vol. 3 p.283

"While the young people of the group are sleeping on the roofs of their houses, they will be taken to their companion within the same night without any appointment. In the morning they will find themselves in Mecca."

Bihaaru-l-Anwaar, vol.52 p.370, Bisharat’ul-Islaam p.198, Mu’jam Ahadeeth al-Mahdi, vol.4 p.6





Big Love.


Too many to even begin to list. See my Facebook for a glimpse at my "Virtual Bookshelf." What a fucking cool application, eh?


is a really, really, REALLY good show....no seriously? "The Sultan" from Closer.

My Blog

The REAL Sarah Palin!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MJCvHMtwE4 Gold....
Posted by Micahing on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 08:15:00 PST

Obama responds to Sarah Palin's nasty attacks

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDgDubb2jdw ...
Posted by Micahing on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 07:30:00 PST

PETER HITCHENS: How China has created a new slave empire in Africa

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1063198/PE TER-HITCHENS-How-China-created-new-slave-empire-Africa.html ...
Posted by Micahing on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 05:55:00 PST

The Politico: Ben Smith's Blog: Obama camp: McCain's 'stunt' - Obama camp: McCa

http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0908/Obama_... i've said it before, and i'll say it again: McCain is a fucking LIAR!...
Posted by Micahing on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:27:00 PST

Sarah Palin's Alaskan Armageddon (Clips)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8twqZpUT2NQ Holy fuck! Somebody - everybody - stop this fucking nut case!...
Posted by Micahing on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 07:32:00 PST

For Old Americas Candidate, a Trophy Wife Isnt Enough: Enter PTA Palin, the Trophy VP...

This election has epitomized everything which growing up has taught me is wrong with the United States. The Mega-Rich seem to always have power and the Grassroots activists seem to continuously be dep...
Posted by Micahing on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 06:59:00 PST

Palin is a ridiculous choice; PTA leadership does not qualify

First of all Geraldine Ferraro is horrifying. She has become the embodiment of a bitter, irrational, gender-based-partisan. She has continued to speak for Hillary when she has no authority to do so. W...
Posted by Micahing on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:28:00 PST

Heresy and the mySpaces of Imam Mahdi and Isa (aka Jesus)...

This dialogue went on for a bit, but some of the later discussion i don't want to post. This is not because it has gotten heated - far from it - but because i talk about some pretty juicy stuff that i...
Posted by Micahing on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:44:00 PST

i told you "black-face" is "in"... Olympic update.

These fucking racist Europeans have been pulling "slant-eye" shit throughout the Olympics. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/olympics/254022 1/Spanish-basketball-red-faced-over-slit-eyed-Oly...
Posted by Micahing on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 08:07:00 PST


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWXeDBjOWqc Dopest song. Biogenesis anthem....
Posted by Micahing on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 05:59:00 PST