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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I Am.
I am Not.
Very few people are able to accept the things I believe, and if many knew, they would not be my friends, would disassociate themselves from me, might even want me locked up. Truth hurts; If you don't want to know, don't ask.
I am not interested in butting egos. I am interested in fixing the world.
"My hands are my servant and my feet are my mount;
The earth is my bed, a stone my pillow;
My blanket in the winter is the east of the earth and my lamp in the night is the moon;
My stew is hunger and my motto is fear;
My garment is wool and my fruit and my basil what grows from the earth for wild beasts and cattle.
I sleep while I have nothing and I rise while I have nothing, and yet there is no one on earth wealthier than I."
-- Yeshua' ha-Mashiach/'Iysaa-l-Maseeh/Jesus the Messiah.
Bihaar-ul-Anwaar, book xvii, saying 239.
Imaam Ja'far-us-Saadiq ('a) addressing Basheer, a believer: O Basheer, remember that those of our community who do not attain the knowledge of religious jurisprudence will not gain any merit. Because, the one who has no knowledge of religious jurisprudence will have to depend on others, and the one who depends on others will be led by them through the gates of ignorance and the members of our community will remain unaware of this misguidance.(al-Kaafiy, Book ii, Ch. 2, Saying 6)
Imaam Ja'far-us-Saadiq ('a) was requested to comment on the verse: They have taken their religious leaders and their monks as their overlords besides God… (Qur'aan, 9:31) The Imaam ('a) explained: By God! They (the religious leaders and monks) never asked them for their worship. Had they invited them, they would never have responded positively. Actually the leaders and monks have pronounced lawful what was unlawful and vice versa. Thus, they worship them unknowingly (by following their innovations).(al-Kaafiy, Book ii, Ch. 18, Saying 1)
Great sites: , a huge online database of Islaamic resources.
fUSION Anomaly .
Neturei Karta , "Protectors of the City", well known anti-Zionist ultra orthadox Jews.
World War 4 Report , a great site with articles by Bill Weinberg on worldwide issues.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who love God, and love their neighbors as they love their Self. People interested in a real spiritual revolution based on true Love and Compassion for all, and enacting a truly Just society on the earth. The 313...
...And most of all, Nobody.

"The Man of Dao is Unknown - Perfect virtue produces Nothing - Not-self is true Self - And the greatest man is Nobody." -- Zhuangzi, ancient Daoist sage, butterfly...

My Blog

On Saul of Tarsus.

A'udhu billaahi minash-Shaytaan-ir-rajeem,Bismillaah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem,I take refuge in God from the accursed enemy,In the name of God, the Beneficient, the Merciful.I have been asked, in a comment...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 10:36:00 GMT

Truth is Clear from Falsehood.

Bismillaah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-RaheemHere is a story in Newsweek about a Gitmo guard who said shahadah (the Islaamic testimony of faith): man obviously had a ver...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 06:54:00 GMT

Islaam and Universalism

Islaam and Universalismby Jeremy (Bilaal).Sometimes I wish I could clear up in the mind of everyone what it really means to be a Muslim. This is perhaps both the greatest secret of Islaam, and the mos...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 08:51:00 GMT

On Submission, Divine Decree, Free Will, Compulsion, Freedom, War and Peace (haha)

I received the following message from a friend and thought it could be useful to share it along with my response:(Her words in bold, my words regular, the lady she quoted in italics)PS - Edited for ba...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 19:45:00 GMT


Bismillaah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem,In the name of the one God, the all-Beneficient, the Merciful.I'll keep this short, because if you're reading this you probably already agree. I just wanted to publicly...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 23:11:00 GMT

Inner (and outer) demons on the road to purification

When Yashuah goes out to the Wilderness to fast, Shaytaan comes to tempt him.When Siddhartha Gautama sits under the Bodhi tree, Mara comes to tempt him.When one is living unaware, nothing happens. No ...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 06:59:00 GMT

10 Things I’ve Learned Since I Said Shahadah

1. The Golden Calf incident happens over and over. Well, the "Ummah" has not for the most part started worshiping overt idols. But even though we still have an intact scripture, Muslims have gone seve...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 07:51:00 GMT


If I was too zealous, I apologize.If I was insulting, know that I am most deserving of insults.If I stated things matter of factly, it was only because I was convinced.If I held a grudge, know that I'...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 21:36:00 GMT


    'D#N9R1N'(O #N4N/QO COAR1' K HNFPAN'B' K    (Al-'Arbu 'Ashaddu Kufran Wa Nifqan)    "The 'Arabs of the desert are very hard in kufr (covering the t...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 20:04:00 GMT

Excerpt of a book I’m reading

I’m reading a very good book, the first fictional book I’ve read in a while. It’s called The Years of Rice and Salt, by Kim Stanley Robinson. It takes place in an alternate reality, ...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:40:00 GMT