SULTURRO profile picture


SLudge FucK roCK

About Me

BIO......................................................... ............................................................ .......................... Sulturro. The word itself begs many questions. So go ahead, type it into any search engine. Notice anything? That’s right, all links lead back to one thing. The Vancouver based Punk/Metal power trio known as Sulturro.In their 3 year history, Sulturro has written and recorded dozens of tracks while touring around Western Canada. The band independently released their first album titled “The Beginning of the End…” and can be heard on the soundtrack to movies like “Sled Porn 4” and the upcoming “Blood Brothers Reign of Terror”. They have also shared the stage with bands such as Subhumans (Canadian Punk Legends), Hemicuda and Spread Eagle to name a few.Whether it’s on stage, on screen, on the airwaves or in the occasional dingy basement, Sulturro has been winning over fans one by one. With a well balanced mix of catchy, energetic songs laced with cool riffs and melodic vocals, it’s no wonder these guys are now known and loved in over 50 countries.Never taking themselves or anything else too seriously, Jorj, Dan Blan and Jay are committed to good times and playing great music.______________________________________________________ ______________________________ WEBSITE..................................................... ............................................................ ...................... check out Drop by, say hi, sign the guestbook, join the mailing list and order stuff like cd's, t-shirts and more. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________ REVIEWS..................................................... ............................................................ ..................... "Exclaim! Magazine" Kicking off with the pelvic thrust of “Pave The Whales,” West coast-bred trio Sulturro deliver a sonic wallop that crosses the all-so-appealing, yet incredibly well traversed, bridge between Motörhead and the Ramones. The timekeeping is relatively bare bones, with minimal flourishes to allow for a sonic attack that is pelvic and forceful, while the vocal delivery is brash and primal. Continuing with this pace for the first half of the album, “Redoitagainer” and “Corns On My Cob” feel like sneering pieces of ravaged meat hanging in a dirty freezer...-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------"Th e Nerve Magazine" ---------- Ferociously rawk-ous EP from local 3 piece that was shoved under the door of my office. Weird. I don't have a door. Or an office. Leaving no doubt they can play like motherfuckers, Sulturro just needs to compliment things with a mood other than Hurricaine. -Mack ============================================================ ======"SKRUTT" E-Zine from Sweden.----- My review of your record is like this SULTURRO-THE BEGINNING OF THE END(MINI-CD) This Canadian group felt interesting from the start in some way. 7 songs in 24 minutes is this groups thing and really obvious is that the group gives everything on the whole record. Fast and wellplayed punkrock in the same spirit as the old hardcoregroups but the y have some more melodies in their music. They have surely listened to some metal but it's not disturbing me because it seems that it is punk which is the big thing for the group. They have a really own sound even if you surely could say a lot of influences but somewhere between Misfits, Black Flag and Social Distortion is the group.(SEVEN) 13/10-06 What about it? -Peter Thorsson ____________________________________________________________ ________________________BOOKING............................. ............................................................ ............................................ Contact: phone number available upon request. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________ALSO................................ ............................................................ ................................................. Now Available on DVD at Sled Porn IV - 4 play -- A Yukon Powder Hounds production featuring us, Sulturro and some crazy-ass fuckers on snomachines. Also Check out ____________________________________________________________ _________________________Buy "The Beginning of the End..." Now.Don't want a cd? That's cool, then just go to i Tunes to download the album. It's also available on many other of your favorite digital music sites. Simply do a search.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/8/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Bass Lord Jorj - bass and vocals. DAN BLAN - sixstringapickin'. J - He go boomboom.
Influences: beer, weed, caffeine, nicotine.

Sounds Like:
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too! CDBABY LINK for SULTURRO: The Beginning of the End... --

Type of Label: None

My Blog

We gonna be RICH!

Yeah right. But you can help by clicking the link and voting.
Posted by SULTURRO on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:51:00 PST

New Shows and New Tunes

Ok, so We've got a few kick ass shows coming up with some real kick ass bands so check out the sched. We also uploaded 2 new live tracks that where recorded in January 2007. White On Rice and Unpossib...
Posted by SULTURRO on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:32:00 PST

Buy Sludge Fuck Rock here.

Sulturro's debut album is now available on-line through Just click the little album cover and your on you was to owning you very own copy packed with Sludge Fuck Rock. --> CDBABY LINK for ...
Posted by SULTURRO on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 12:15:00 PST

Buy some shit

Ok, so heres the deal.  We've got CD's, T-shirts, buttons and stickers for sale.  If you don't live in the Vancouver area and  you can't wait for us to come to your town then go to www....
Posted by SULTURRO on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 12:38:00 PST

Album is finally out. I know, I know...

Ok, so the new album "The Beginning of the End..." is now out.  It looks good, sounds awsome and pretty much kicks a fuckin' shit load of ass.  Now I already know what your thinking.  A...
Posted by SULTURRO on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 07:48:00 PST

Sulturro wants to know who you are...

Sulturro wants to know who you are.  If your a new fan, friend or just poppin' by, let us know. Even if your an old fan... If you like what you hear, feel free to download it and drop us a line.&...
Posted by SULTURRO on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:54:00 PST


So we seem to have recieved lots of pictures of women writting the word "Sulturro" with magic marker on variouse parts of their naked bodies.  The next obviouse step is to of course is to start a...
Posted by SULTURRO on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:49:00 PST

In the studio

So we're probably setting the record for the longest time it takes to complete a 7 song album and that's ok cuz it's almost ready.  At this pace, it should be done by the turn of the century.&nbs...
Posted by SULTURRO on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:20:00 PST