JAYHEM profile picture


I'll tell you if you listen

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Mostly keep busy with music. I need to play. No other way of putting it. Pretty much spend my time in the studio working on different projects. Currently behind the kit for the Manvils and Sulturro here in beautiful vancouver b.c. Check sites for tour schedules. ="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"

My Interests

I am easily amused so I have many interests. It would be easier to list my dislikes.

I'd like to meet:

I love to meet people who are driven by passion and talent. Nothing pisses me off more than someone with potential wasting what they should be doing. Everyone knows inside what they should be doing, so follow your gut and get moving.


Progressive minimalist raging chillout punk metal, with a hint of Cat Stevens


Fight club, I love your work, crazy, and Ferris buelers day off. Oh and my favourite of all time.....Dumb and Dumber.


not interested