Music,playing guitars and basses and drums and all instruments, skateboarding, sailing, boats, partying, punk rock shows, and things that are great.
people... i don't care what kind, i'm easy like that. Oh wait, if you're some webcam slut that wants me to pay to check out your porn site, fuck off. And if you're a band that sounds anything like Creed, Three Days Grace, or pretty much any radio rock band, you can beat it too, Don't add me douchebags
alot of older music, late 60's and 70's mainly,anything from Thin Lizzy,Led Zepellin, Ram Jam, The Groundhogs, Free, old Stones, Judas Priest, Guns N'Roses, Black Sabbath,Skynyrd,Gordon Lightfoot, Turbo Negro, Pride Tiger, Grass City, Zeke,Thrice, Karen Foster,The Addicts, Crass, Motorhead, Faith no More, Chili Peppers, old Metallica, Slayer, High On Fire, Converge, Mastadon, Fugazi, Refused, Cursive, Dinosaur jr, Descendents, All, The Mars Volta, At the Drive In, Spitfires, Red Hot Lovers,Minor Threat, Black Flag, Dead Kennedy's, Circle Jerks,Aces and Hearts, Gung Ho's, Decapitated, Cryptopsy, Vader. Motown stuff, Marvin Gaye, The Meters, anything with the Funk Brothers and James Jamerson on bass, some hip hop and tons of other metal, punk and indie bands
RAD, Flight of The Navigator, The Wizard, Thrashin, The Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Ernest Goes To Camp, Fargo, Office Space, Fast Times..., , Spinal Tap, and the Godfathers, Blade Runner, All the LOTR movies, oh yeah, and Gummo
Dog the muthafukkin Bounty Hunter, Kenny and Spenny, Trailer Park Boys, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm,Family Guy, Futurama, Nature shows, Stuff about boats, and i watch those stupid car shows on TLC alot.