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I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ghandi,Richard Simmons, Chris Farley, Mike Ness,Don Rickles,Don Cherry,Patrick Roy,Lemmy
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures


Metallica, Motorhead, Pennywise,Social D,Anthrax,VooDooGloSkulls,Bosstones,Pantera,CrystalPistol,Ro dIronHaulers,JudasPriest,METAL,METAL,METAL!!!!!!!!


Raging bull, Reservoir dogs, Pulp fiction, Lock Stock & 2 smoking barrels, Spinal Tap,Billy Madisson, 300, Sin City, Fight Club, Godfather, Scarface are all essential ownersz


Seinfeild,The Hour,SNL,Mad TV, Daily Show, Young and the restless, Iron chef, Pimp my Gimp


any Bukowski,& Hunter S, David Sedaris


Hulk Hogan,Dog the bounty Hunter...no wait ....they're the same dude!

My Blog

Nature is FK"N mind boggling!

alien plants Add to My Profile | More Videos This video just threw me for a loop. What a trip. This explains Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock! It all makes sense now. WURD!...
Posted by LouieDee on Sat, 05 May 2007 07:18:00 PST