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Some wonder, "Who is Buena?" The Spanish word "buena," translated into English, simply means "good." And it's the best word to describe this not-to-be-ignored talent, unless you'd rather use: kinetic, driven, or unforgettable. After graduating from Columbia University with a B.A. in Music, Buena caught a chronic case of the acting bug and has been soothing her itch by honing her talents on the stage and silver screen. Buena believes that molds are meant to be shattered and she proves that with the variety of roles she portrays. Though she is, now, wholly focused on her acting career, Buena is a true servant of the arts and is always looking to begin new creative endeavors. Buena is everywhere--and in time, she'll be in your head. Now, doesn't that sound "good?"(P.S. Using the third-person to describle myself is at once creepy, fun, and liberating! Yay for bios!)--The Impatient Optimist