Buena profile picture


S/he who much is given.... MUCH is expected in return!

About Me

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Some wonder, "Who is Buena?" The Spanish word "buena," translated into English, simply means "good." And it's the best word to describe this not-to-be-ignored talent, unless you'd rather use: kinetic, driven, or unforgettable. After graduating from Columbia University with a B.A. in Music, Buena caught a chronic case of the acting bug and has been soothing her itch by honing her talents on the stage and silver screen. Buena believes that molds are meant to be shattered and she proves that with the variety of roles she portrays. Though she is, now, wholly focused on her acting career, Buena is a true servant of the arts and is always looking to begin new creative endeavors. Buena is everywhere--and in time, she'll be in your head. Now, doesn't that sound "good?"(P.S. Using the third-person to describle myself is at once creepy, fun, and liberating! Yay for bios!)--The Impatient Optimist

My Interests

Laughing, Dancing, Running, Jumping, Playing, Traveling, Shopping, Reading, Writing, Performing, Loving, Growing, and waking up to do it all over again!

I'd like to meet:

Directors, writers, producers, performers, and other like minded individuals.


Daily Show with Jon Stewart; Real Time with Bill Maher; The Colbert Report; Six Feet Under


Parable of the Sower; A Clockwork Orange; The Time Traveler's Wife; The Autobiography of Assata Shakur; The Autobiography of Malcolm X; A Brave New World; Oh the Places You'll Go; Things Fall Apart; Bridget Jones' Diary; The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew; 1984; The Bernstein Bears; Delores Claiborne; America: The Book; Little Women


Mommy & Daddy! No joke ;-) They're the best!

My Blog

Sex & the City Sucks!

Sex and the City Sucks! First& let me preface this by saying that I am a HUGE fan of "Sex and the City"!  Really I am.  Fabulous clothes, New York City, GrrlPoweryou can't argue with tha...
Posted by Buena on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:33:00 PST

I will not have this Korean War end like the last one: "Singing in Korean"

Few people can keep a rivalry going better than Stephen.... ..Commendable dance moves no?...
Posted by Buena on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:31:00 PST

Oh Dave... How I miss u so!

I once read that the genius of comedy is to get people laughing, and while their mouths are open, you drop in the truth! I concur! "I want to entertain people with your fear!" LOL!...
Posted by Buena on Mon, 26 May 2008 01:44:00 PST

John McCain: No, You Cant

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUKINg8DCUo I never post blogs, but thought this was worth sharing....
Posted by Buena on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:36:00 PST


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gwqEneBKUs I usually don't discuss politics.... but I just HAD to add this ;-)...
Posted by Buena on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST