We are tree guys from Denmark who play the punk/rock music. we are 16-17 years old.The society today is to too standardsized. Children are being raised to think that there is only one way to do things.
That why we are singing backwards. To show people that the creativity still lives, even when our goverment is trying to kill it.The band started in 2003 at frederiksværk ungdomsskole, where we all 3 started playing music. Our big heros was at that time Paragraf 119 and our biggest dream is to become the best danish punk band as they were.
My Interests
Member Since: 4/19/2007
Band Members: Mikkel Hvid
(Guitar/sang)Samuel Nielsen
(Trommer/sang)Mica Wildfred Smede
(Bas)Mini Me
Sounds Like: We play a cross of Panic At The Disco punk and the danish punk band Paragraf 119
Record Label: M.E.J.-Records
Type of Label: None
My Blog
Only instrumental version on myspace
sry to disapoint you, but we have only got a finish mixed instrumental version,
but soon there will also be song at myspace!
so look out for it! Posted by Syfilis on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:27:00 PST
Syfilis in the studio
Today the 29 april syfilis has been in the studio.
Right in this moment our songs are beening mixed, so hopefuly they well be uploaded soon to our profil.
Posted by Syfilis on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 01:30:00 PST