Kamila Barbara profile picture

Kamila Barbara

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey I'm Kamila Barbara (it is my real name btw) also known as Slava. I work in an office and sell electronics. But I have studied for a beautyspecialist. I love make-up and hair styling. I would spend all day in bathroom if I could. You won't find me at 'normal' parties. How more special the evenements are, how more I long to be there. I am very hard worker and a pusher. I will always go for it. And I am very, very autoritair! Furhter I'm a controle freak, but I try not to be a pain. Haha! Stil, this side of me keeps on motivating me. I love efforts, I am addicted to my trainings - I used to jog 18km a week, but had to stop as it caused insomnia. Now I run less, but still, can not give it up. I am participating to cours Russian (first level), the language is great! :p

My Interests

Make - up, clothes, underwear and shoes of course. By this I mean the history and the styles of it. I love to change styles. You can see me 10 x and each time it will be different.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone who has something to tell. MySpace Codes


Electro rules. As long as the music has same temperament as I do, I'll listen to everything. I love also Slavonic folklore! MySpace Codes


Historical and costum movies. Fantasy is also ok. Latest favorite; Stara basn.


Don't have much time.


Claiming of the Sleeping Beauty. Beautiful baroque, based on SM story. Just great. border: 10px ridge; 330000


Lech Walesa - he stood against communistic restrictions and I don't like limits.{background-color:transparent;border:0px none;}table {background-color:transparent;border:0px none;}body {background-color:transparent;border:0px none;}