Anti-Prefix is one guy and his guitar, with occasional collaboration. The music is dedicated to getting political and social issues out into the open. Songs center around topics such as capitalist exploitation, corporatization, neo-McCarthyism, poverty, the class war, the Middle East, and Socialism, along with many others.
Anti-Prefix is a punk band. Punk is not a specific genre of music. It is a frame of mind and a lifestyle. It is about D.I.Y., direct action, and resistance.
Fuck factory farms and the systematic torture and murder of animals after their short lives are spent in overcrowded, disgusting, darkened buildings. Inform yourself about animal conditions. Animals have intrinsic rights. Consider going vegetarian to show that you support them.
Fuck the RIAA. Research what you buy. Use the RIAA Radar and refuse to support the continued exploitation of artists and their music for corporate profit. Business men should not have control over an art-form.
Fuck multinational corporations, the World Bank, and world trade. Judge the ample evidence and make an informed decision.
Fuck lobbyists and the corporatization of the U.S. government. Use common sense and refuse to support democrats or republicans.
Fuck U.S. aggression and imperialism. Find out the truth and do something about it.
Fuck the corporate-controlled mass media. Refuse to believe their shit . Get your news from independent sources .
Don't let a multi-billion dollar corporation led by the richest man in the world shove its sub-par software down your throat. Use Linux or FreeBSD and support Open Source and its proponents. Open Source is digital freedom.
Learn the truth about wealth and poverty .
A better world is possible .
Be conscious of where your money is going when you purchase what you wear. Buy union and non-corporate made, non-sweatshop clothes:
Support the Worker-Communist Party of Iraq , the Iraq Freedom Congress , and the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) . If at all possible, please make a donation .
In my mind, these three movements are some of the most important on the planet at this time. There is a chance to build a Socialist, progressive, feminist state from the rubble left by multiple wars and murderous sanctions imposed by the U.S. government. The time is ripe for change, as there is currently no well established form of government present. There exist three possible outcomes to the situation:
I. The Islamic extremist contingent ousts the U.S. invasion force and establishes religious rule under Shariah law .
II. The U.S. succeeds in installing a puppet regime under the false label of "democracy." This regime will likely be a form of dictatorship or oligarchy, also under Shariah law, dedicated to the exploitation of its people for U.S. interests.
III. The progressive, radical movements grow in volume and eventually establish a Democratic, Socialist state by appealing to those who earnestly seek true equality, peace, freedom, and solidarity in the face of one of the worst imperialist invasions in recent history.
The last possibility will only succeed through education and dissemination of the idea of a Socialist alternative. The country is in turmoil, and the only way to successfully drive out both the U.S. and Islamic extremist forces is to unite and resist. The only way to do that is to spread the message, that a better world is possible, far and wide.