☆∴GANITA∴☆ profile picture


If you are just out to 'collect' asian women, leave me alone!

About Me

Please visit my photography website at:
I am a loyal friend with a high tolerance for different personalities and tastes. My friends tend to be unique, interesting, and very different from one another. I give people the benefit of the doubt when I first meet them. You are cool in my book until you prove otherwise to me, and there is a high threshold before I will determine you're a jerk. For a girl, I am down-to-earth and independent, even when I'm in a relationship. I don't believe in being high-maintenance, clingy, moody, needy, or whiny. I am drawn to people who are modest and humble and in a place like L.A, that is a quality that is hard to find! I can tell if you're cool without you having to tell me. I am turned off quickly by conceit and cockiness. I guess you could say there is a fine line between that and confidence, but if your confidence is deserving, I will like you. I don't like people who are negative all the time; it's draining on the soul and annoying to be around. I am not a fan of people who constantly criticize everything and everyone around them. Even though I know it's just a sign of their own insecurity, I prefer to be surrounded by people who stay positive and look at the bright side of things. I also highly value people who are open-minded, considerate, and straightforward (even if it means being painfully honest-I can handle it!). I think it's important for people to have a realistic perspective of themselves, who don't get so lost in who they're trying to be that they don't take the time to enjoy who they ARE. I like people who have a sense of humor, who are capable of laughing at themselves. It is NOT so important to me for my friends to have the same interests/tastes as I have. I enjoy being around people with different interests because it's eye-opening and more fun for me when I get to learn about something new!

My Interests

My life is a continuous journey of self-awareness and self-improvement. I think if there’s one thing in the world worth investing all your energy in, it’s personal growth, and there is no limit to it. I think if people spent all their time working on themselves and stopped worrying about fixing everyone else, the world would be a better place. I don't believe in being defined by work and I think it's funny that one of the first things people ask each other when they meet is "what do you do for a living?" Most people work to pay the bills and then on the side do all the things they are passionate about. Some people just think about those passions and get so caught up in the day-to-day bullsh*t they don’t even get around to doing the things that truly make them happy. I would suggest not letting yourself be one of those people! Live your life without regrets!
When people ask me what I want to do with my life, I tell them I'm already doing it! I make sure I enjoy everything I do for work and because of that, I've been able to maintain a lifestyle of financial stability and flexible scheduling enough to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I think that variety is the spice of life. I like to switch things up and I can't see myself wanting to do only one thing for the rest of my life. I think it's easy for people to get comfortably stuck in their habits of daily routine and I think it's better to regularly evaluate your situtation and make an effort to step outside of your comfort zone. I believe the human spirit is resilient and although it can be scary, bringing about a change in your life challenges you to grow and improve as a person. I like to consider myself a jack-of-all-trades and I believe that you can do anything if you want to enough, and you can excel at it if you make the effort. I am constantly taking up new hobbies, and experiencing and learning about new things.
My goal in life is to travel and see as much of the world as possible, and to maintain the precious relationships I have developed along this journey. I have found happiness by constantly balancing time for work, time for friends, time for relationships, and time for myself. I think life is too short not to appreciate everything you have, even when you don't always feel like it's everything you want. The grass is always greener on the other side for some people, while I am easily satisfied with what I have. I think a lot of people get caught up in striving to fulfill their goals without remembering to enjoy the ride. When one of my good friends passed away, it changed my perspective on life. It made me realize that in the end, you really aren't defined by what you do for a living, or what you obtain materialistically. People will remember you by how you impacted their lives, and how you affected them emotionally. Life is really all about how we treat one another!!
I think much of the world's current problems arise from the fact that we are clearly not united as a human race. We tend to focus on our differences instead of our similarities (for example, in race and religion), and use those differences to define what's good and bad, and what's right and wrong, and then use that in power plays. We ought to focus on the fact that deep down we're all the same: we want to be loved, and we want to feel connected to something outside ourselves. I think everyone wonders what the purpose of life is, and the foundation of all religions is to answer that question. I think when used properly, religion can certainly be a healing and useful tool. However, I think a lot of people also misuse religion by focusing on the differences, and determining for themselves that certain people are right and certain people are wrong. I think it's entirely possible to be spiritual without being religious, and that organized religion can be a problem, especially if you are taking from it all the wrong things. If you follow your heart, you should be able to believe in whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting or imposing your will on other people.
LOVES: music, people who are open-minded, passionate & modest, exploring the world, considering conspiracy theories, pondering existence, always seeing the good side of things, making the people I care about happy, making jewelry and clothes, playing drums, Lou Malnati's Chicago-style pizza, 'Half-Baked' Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Jager & Red Bull, and photography!!
--- Please check out my work at: http://www.tripodeye.com ---
HATES: spiders, parking tickets, being cold, people that don't know how to fucking drive who are slow & hesitant, people that float through life who are completely unaware of their surroundings, and bragging ass-kissing name-droppers
VIRTUES: self-aware, dependable, considerate, good at following through on any path I underake, self-sufficient, good at keeping promises, easy-going, flexible in compromises, likes people easily, always striving for personal growth, comfortable in any social situation, good at *showing* people i care
VICES: terrible at *telling* people i care, difficulty verbalizing my emotions, not good at making people feel needed, not letting my guard down enough, fear of vulnerability, difficulty relinquishing control, letting people take advantage of me, routinely self-sacrificing to the point of resentment, major sweet-tooth

I'd like to meet:

I like people who are passionate and have the ability to articulate why. Regardless of what you are passionate about, your personal investment in something is what I find interesting. I would like to meet people who have interesting hobbies, especially anything I can photograph involving motion like martial arts, sports, dancing, contortionists, musicians, or anything else cool looking. Let me know if you are in a play or performing somewhere, I will usually make an effort to check it out! I try to make an honest effort to actually stay in touch with people I add on myspace, so please don't be offended if I don't accept your request because I'm already having a hard enough time with the people who are already on it. For the most part, I only add people I know or have met in person, so message me first and tell me about yourself, because if you're going to randomly "add" me, expect to be denied especially if you have a million "friends" or if you only collect asian women.


In no particular order: The Cure, Enigma, Tool, Primus, Nirvana, The Dreaming, Stabbing Westward, Kill Hannah, Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, Garbage, H.I.M, She Wants Revenge, Our Lady Peace, Muse, The Black Crowes, David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Rammstein, My Bloody Valentine, A Perfect Circle, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Breaking Benjamin, Fuel, Red, Econoline Crush, Johnny Cash, Ani Difranco, Peaches, The Flaming Lips, PJ Harvey, Marilyn Manson, Tori Amos, Bjork, Urge Overkill, Prime sth, The Smiths, Blur, Pulp, t.A.t.U, My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, Deadsy, Lunarclick, gODHEAD, My Scarlet Life, Weezer, The Rentals, The Killers, Josh Groban, Gavin DeGraw, U2, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, electronica, industrial, rock, heavy rock, heavy electronic rock, new wave, dark wave, anything I can sing to, anything I can dance to, anything I can scream to, a lot of pop that i'd rather not admit (although I already did), heh heh :) and the list goes on...music is my life!
Check me out in the *new* GODHEAD "HEY YOU" music video
Directed by A.J. Rickert-Epstein


Juno, Fight Club, Seven, The Crow, A Clockwork Orange, A Life Less Ordinary, Out of Sight, Memento, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, True Romance, Dark City, Stargate, 2001:A Space Odyssey, Just Friends, Monster's Inc., Zoolander, Clerks, Mall Rats, About A Boy, Mullholand Dr, 21 grams


24, South Park, The Simpsons


Crime and Punishment, Tuesdays With Morrie, Why Men Love Bitches, The Five Love Languages


John Williams, Danny Elfman, Pixar, Stanley Kubrick, Salvador Dali, Annie Leibovitz

My Blog

Watch me on Jimmy Kimmel TONIGHT!

I worked in a skit with Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck for the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight airing after the Oscars (11:35pm PT)...it’s really funny, so don’t forget to tune in if you get a chance...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:00:00 PST

See me on TV and in the movies!!

Hey everyone! You can catch me on the following TV shows/moviesCURRENTLY IN THEATERS:---> ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS (feature film in theaters Dec 2007), playing guitar in a band with Jason LeeSome of my p...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST


Hoping one day to see all of it! ...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 11:32:00 PST

OMG! Check out my new TOY!!!

Introducing my new Roland V-Pro series TD-20S :)It is freakin' awesome and hella fun to bang on! Do *not* ask how much it cost me, LOL!...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 08:01:00 PST

Check me out in the *new* GODHEAD music video

GODHEAD "HEY YOU"Directed by A.J. Rickert-Epstein...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Wed, 30 May 2007 11:19:00 PST


For those of you who didn't know, i worked on a movie for a few weeks in June called "Balls of Fury" starring Christopher Walken and George Lopez. It's a comedy by the writer/director duo that creates...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:47:00 PST

My Tribute to Kathy: R.I.P.

Well, since she can't have her own profile, I want to take this opportunity to immortalize my good friend Kathy Curtin here on MySpace.com.... May your soul rest in peace, my friend ...
Posted by 4GANITA4 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST