Sleeping in, exercising at the beach, partying with friends, and beating the crap out of my drums.
You and an average everyday sane psycho super goddess (I think I just met her).
30 Seconds to Mars, 10 Years, Anberlin, Andrea Bocelli, Armor for Sleep, Blindside, Bloody Royals, Blue October, Bomb Child, Boy Hits Car, Breaking Benjamin, Bright Eyes, Caffeine, Carpark North, Chevelle, Chicane, Circa Survive, Coheed and Cambria, Coldplay, Collective Soul, Embodyment, Enya, Evans Blue, Falling Up, Finger Eleven, Finick, Flaw, Flyleaf, Frou Frou, Further Seems Forever, Imogen Heap, Kenny Chesney, Living Dead Lights, Mana, Mew, My Chemical Romance, Our Lady Peace, Overcome, Patti Battani, Pressure 4-5, Pushmonkey, Saosin, Sigur Ros, Silverstein, Skillet , Smashing Pumpkins, Snow Patrol, Taking Back Sunday, The All-American Rejects, The Used, Thursday, Tim McGraw, Tonic, Tricia Battani, Underoath, and Zao.
Life is a movie. Let's make it a good one.
No Thanks.
I'd rather stare at the stars.
Jesus and my Dad.