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Interesting conversation with Bridget.
Spontaneous poetry is always fun.
(20:17:25) obdurator: rather sad
(20:17:27) obdurator: too bad
(20:17:32) obdurator: (your turn)
(20:18:19) Desda Ryelle: i see a fad
(20:18:27) Desda Ryelle: it's quite rad
(20:20:19) obdurator: does it make you mad?
(20:20:29) obdurator: or are you glad?
(20:20:36) Desda Ryelle: I am so glad
(20:20:40) Desda Ryelle: that I have a fad
(20:20:50) obdurator: I just hope it's not bad
(20:21:03) obdurator: , said the strapping young lad
(20:21:25) Desda Ryelle: the strapping young lad
(20:21:29) Desda Ryelle: needs to stop being such a cad
(20:21:39) obdurator: hey, he's just following the fad
(20:21:53) obdurator: would you ease up a tad?
(20:23:08) Desda Ryelle: no, he is such a cad
(20:23:14) Desda Ryelle: I wish that he didn't make me so mad
(20:23:41) obdurator: even despite all the fun you've had?
(20:23:49) obdurator: well, I just think that's too bad
(20:24:03) Desda Ryelle: oh yeah, it was fun
(20:24:06) Desda Ryelle: that i had
(20:24:17) Desda Ryelle: until he turned into such a sad, sad cad
(20:25:09) obdurator: you're making him feel bad
(20:25:16) obdurator: now he's crying at his pad
(20:25:52) Desda Ryelle: well, next time he won't be so sad
(20:26:02) Desda Ryelle: when he does something really mad
(20:26:42) obdurator: how can he do something mad?
(20:26:48) obdurator: if you ask me, you're the one going mad
(20:27:11) Desda Ryelle: well, he is SUCH a cad
(20:27:17) Desda Ryelle: the things that he does are really really bad
(20:27:37) obdurator: well if you ask me, I think he's rad
(20:28:10) obdurator: and more words that rhyme with cad
(20:28:26) obdurator: *and we need more*
(20:28:39) Desda Ryelle: he is such a dirty, dirty lad
(20:28:45) Desda Ryelle: that he is not at all rad
(20:29:10) obdurator: but didn't you like his fad?
(20:29:17) obdurator: when he started wearing plaid
(20:29:42) Desda Ryelle: he was just a joker with his fad
(20:30:01) Desda Ryelle: he didn't love me; I was the fad
(20:30:14) obdurator: ah, well that's too bad
(20:30:20) obdurator: you could always hook up with Chad.

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