I often wonder why it's at fiendish hours like two, three, and four AM that I lay in bed and ponder such madness as "You know, I'm really tired, but I'll NEVER sleep if I don't update my MySpace Profile!" Behold the fruits of one such sleepless night as you come to know a bit more about me.
Let's start with the basics shall we? I'm a 27 year old trans woman, pagan, and simultaneously addicted to order and in lust with chaos. By day I'm the most antisocial marketing slave you'll ever meet woefully condemned to 8 or more hours of graphic design, database administration, IT support, and official document creation; by night I'm more or less a hard core gamer be it LARP, RPG, online or offline. In fact, I'm currently writing a completely new and unique game centered on the fae as they are observed in folklore around the world, and as they've manifested within my imagination
These past few years I've been reading constantly, typically finishing 2-3 books a week depending on how long they are. Generally speaking, you're most likely to find me buried in either fantasy romance (Woo! Mercedes Lackey!), near-modern science fiction, historical fiction, modern-fantasy, horror. and non-trashy queer fantasy. Honestly, I tend to despise short books, because I get attached to characters, and want to be able to read about the same people for thousands of pages at the time.
Some people say I'm an "odd one," and if you're into astrology, you'll see that the stars seem to agree. It is not something that I deny.
I am not Wiccan, but for whatever reason tend to get along quite well with them. My own spiritual path could be best be described as "Human Divinism" which could be briefly described as the pursuit of inner beauty, mysticism. and contentment that exists (somewhere) within all human beings. Spiritualism and mysticism alike play powerful roles within my life.
I am obsessed with Ancient Greece, and would absolutely adore the chance to visit or study abroad and learn the ancient language. I have spent a great deal of time studying the ancient gender roles, communities, and religions.
Uhmmm... what else... oh right... being trans. I am M=F Transsexual and have been on hormones for a few years now. For the longest time before coming out of the closet people had suspicions about me being gay. Being that I am still attracted to women now, they were right, most just didn't have any idea of how. :)
I am paradoxically easily amused, and accused of being too serious at times. More or less always a geek (not that I take it as an insult).
I'm tired, and near to qwerty-facing. If there's anything else you want to know just ask.
(Click here for Dune's corner of MySpace)
Here are a few video clips from Dune music videos (you have to press play separately for each one). They crack me up or make me drool when Verena is all Victorianized.
20 Bonus Points for whoever can identify this woman without looking at the
source URL.