evil Duckie profile picture

evil Duckie

mud blood. almighty imperfectionist. four-eyed wonder doll.

About Me

Dashiell Guinness Harding - ETA August 27th 2008


Wolves Offered Life and Friendship
Wolf is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation
dedicated to Improving The Quality of Life For All Wolves & Wolf-Dogs.

- LACMA - Los Angeles County Museum of Art
- MOCA - Museum of Contemporary Art

Visit my family Join the Catster community


i dive into the ocean on rainy days. i am a student of shamanism.
i take my whiskey straight up. and i am in league with the Monkey King.

my sword is my shield.

i love like a wolf.
i observe with the eyes of the crow.
i am gremlin

My Interests

At random: the ocean on rainy days, Cashew's cooking, 5 shot Caramel Macchiatos with soy, animal rescue and rehabilitation, libraries, Los Angeles, museums, linguistics, botanical gardens, traveling, sailing,salty-tangy-spicy food, good food, hot peppers, salt and vinegar chips, good drink and good company, beautiful peace-loving people


places i would like to someday return to:
Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Italy, France, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, the Pacific Islands, Mexico, Australia and Costa Rica.


I'd like to meet:

Crimson. Crimson. Crimson.

-a thousand paper cranes

Sadly, most of the people I'd like to meet are dead and gone. Their incarnations might be interesting, though.


Liszt, Hayden, Wagner, Debussy, Hendrix, the Doors, the Who, Led Zeppelin, The GratefulDead, Janis, the Beatles, the Stones, the Animals, the Birds, Pentangle, Peter Paul and Mary, the Ramones, Dio, Guns N' Roses, the Smiths, Queen, RadioHead, Mazzy Star, Duran-Duran, U2, AFI, Tom Waits,AudioSlave, Metalica, Beck, Prince, Bowie, the Killers, Tori Amos, Loreena McKennitt, Steeleyespan, Webber, –

Did I mention that I adore Liszt?


The Crow, The Sting, A Clockwork Orange, Night of the Living Dead, Grosse Pointe Blank, Lion in Winter, Rebecca, Flight of Dragons, The Never Ending Story, The Incredibles, Psycho, Jaws, Chinatown, Jesus Christ Superstar,The Ghost and Mrs.Muir(1947), Sean of the Dead, Monty Python’s: Quest for the Holy Grail, The Life of Brian, H-E-L-P, Yellow Submarine, Glory, The Godfather 1 &2, Kill Bill 1&2, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Indiana Jones 1&3, Full Metal Jacket, Zombie 2, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie


I love ..aries. Anything that has to do with Nature, Crime drama and Mystery


the Downtown Central Library is the heart of home.

top authors list: Poe, the Bronte Sisters, Dickens, Dickenson, Camus, Yeats, Percy Shelley, W.Blake, Ambrose Bierce,Agatha Christie, Brian Lumley, H.P. Lovecraft, Joseph Campbell, Scott Cunningham, Tolkien and Murakami

my favorite genres are history and horror fiction.


The Great Kate

Oscar the Grouch,The Snack Faerie, Bucky, Weisb, Mikey, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Emily Dickenson, Robert E. Lee,Andy Rooney

My Blog

Vocabulary Vitamin - Quaff

Quaff (transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun)[kwof, kwaf]   transitive verb 1. to drink (a beverage) hurriedly or greedily: "They tried to quaff as many pints as they could before last call ...
Posted by evil Duckie on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:38:00 PST

Friday’s Fluffy Fix!!!

Brought to you by, www.Cuteoverload.com and Random Brain Vomit
Posted by evil Duckie on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:38:00 PST

Vocabulary Vitamin - Boondoggle

Boondoggle (transitive verb, adjective) [BOON-do'-gahl, BOON-dog'-ahl] noun 1. work of little or no value done merely to look busy: "As an intern, I was always assigned the boondoggle." 2. a braided ...
Posted by evil Duckie on Thu, 29 May 2008 08:32:00 PST

Thursday’s Fluffy Fix!!!

Tiny survivor of Chinese earthquake swims to safety. Now that is a cat who rightfully deservesthe name, "Lucky". Brought to you by, www.Cuteoverload.com and Random Brain Vomit...
Posted by evil Duckie on Thu, 29 May 2008 08:33:00 PST

Wednesday’s Fluffy Fix!!!

Danger Will Robinson, danger! Brought to you by, www.Cuteoverload.com and Random Brain Vomit...
Posted by evil Duckie on Wed, 28 May 2008 08:59:00 PST

Vocabulary Vitamin - Enervate

Enervate (transitive verb, adjective) [EN-ahr-vayt'] transitive verb 1. to weaken physically, mentally, or morally; 'the luxury which enervates and destroys nations' (Henry David Thoreau): "I was fee...
Posted by evil Duckie on Wed, 28 May 2008 08:59:00 PST

Friday’s Fluff Fix!!!

Brought to you by, www.Cuteoverload.com and Random Brain Vomit
Posted by evil Duckie on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:37:00 PST

Vocabulary vitamin - Analgesic

analgesic (noun, adjective)[an'-ahl-JEE-zik, an'-ahl-JEE-sik] noun 1. a medicine used to relieve pain: "Since the surgery, Brian has been dependent on an analgesic and we are starting to get worried...
Posted by evil Duckie on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:36:00 PST

Vocabulary Vitamin - Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty (noun)[RIE-noe-plas'-tee, RIE-nah-plas'-tee] 1. cosmetic surgery to improve the appearance of your nose: "A natural nose has more personality than one perfected by rhinoplasty." adjective ...
Posted by evil Duckie on Thu, 22 May 2008 08:56:00 PST

Thursday’s Fluffy Fix!!!

Baby red pandas! Brought to you by, www.Cuteoverload.com and Random Brain Vomit...
Posted by evil Duckie on Thu, 22 May 2008 08:57:00 PST