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Atlantic bluefin tuna populations have declined alarmingly over the past few decades. Populations first showed signs of overfishing in the late 1960s. But despite various management and conservation measures introduced by ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna) since then, populations continued to decline due to continued overfishing.The number of spawning adults in the western population is currently estimated at just 13% of the already depleted number in 1975, with mortality due to fishing still rising for adult fish. This population is now classified as overfished and Critically Endangered.Current fishing of the larger eastern population - the last stronghold of the species - is a massive 3 times higher than the population can sustain. The population is classified as overfished and Endangered, and has already disappeared from the North Sea and Black Sea.WWF believes this population is in danger of complete collapse.In recent years, overfishing has been exacerbated in the Mediterranean, the largest fishery, by the new practise of fattening wild-caught bluefin in cages for the Japanese sushi and sashimi market. If this overfishing continues, the population could collapse in just a few years.Pressure throughout its range While the greatest threat to Atlantic bluefin tuna is currently overfishing and illegal fishing in the Mediterranean, the species is not much safer elsewhere.Fishing was once confined to the Western Atlantic and Eastern Atlantic. However, over the past decade, new fisheries have started in the Central Atlantic, where bluefin tuna from both the eastern and western populations congregate. This means they are now essentially fished throughout their range. And if management is difficult in coastal, national waters, it is almost impossible on the High Seas.
DON'T EAT TUNA DAY (day that you should not eat tuna!) 25th June 2007! (in memory of Jacques Cousteau)
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