Artiste multidsciplinaire ......... dangereusement attirée par la recherche et par les machines ... inventions, connections hors convention ... plaisir sans conformisme.
Peinture, photo, vidéo, installation, écriture, performance et son. Démarche? . Objets .:. morceaux d'objets recyclés .:. échantillons .:. trouvailles .:. données .:. filtration jeu .:. improvisation .:. abandon .:. !!! Un univers sans frontière ... le son, la video, les machines et les spectres!---------------------------------------------------
inary artist creating in as many types of art as there is, I just let go... After my Max/MSP/jitter formation at studio XX, I saw new! . Now in each room of my creative world, there's a window opening. I currently work on electronic art, such as experimental music and video. My process .... objects or samples of objects, through improvisation and manipulation. Stay tuned!Dangerously attracted by machines and research...more discovery, more connections, more pleasure.
Video and music by DE.I.TE
je suis
Video extract and music by DE.I.TE
chandelier by de.i.te
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Video extract by DE.I.TE music by AUN
Video extract made of stills photographs of lace,
Extrait vidéo créé à partir de photographies de dentelle
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