He's My Happy Ending. profile picture

He's My Happy Ending.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Are you in love!? (for someone already in a relationship)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as you're in love

You 2 are in love!! It's awesome ain't it. Try not to lose this one, you sound like you two have everything going for them

you're in love


u love them


you love them

Name: Christina
Birthdate: Oct. 5th 1983
Birthplace: Roanoke VA
Current Location: Speedwell
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: I'm not sure 5ft 6in's I think lol
Weight: 110
Piercings: Nope
Tatoos: Nope but want one some day.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yes Boyfriend... who I love very much...
Overused Phraze: Whatever
Food: Anything Italian
Candy: Reeses
Number: 88 Dale Jr's new number
Color: Blue
Animal: Dog
Drink: Mountian Dew.... Do tha Dew
Alcohol Drink: Vanilla Vodka and Carmel Pepsi
Bagel: I don't like bagels very much.
Letter: .....?
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Neither Wendys and/or Hardees sometimes Sonic
Strawberry or Watermelon: Both I love fruit
Hot tea or Ice tea: Both I like ice tea better though
Chocolate or Vanilla Both love them
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot chocolate....Coffee sometimes
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Neither Country
Summer or Winter: Summer I hate cold weather
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: I love funny movies
Love or Money: Love... Money comes and goes Love is forever
Bedtime: Whenever I fall in bed
Most Missed Memory: Being with my neice. She passed away when she was 4 years old. I miss her so much.
Best phyiscal feature: Butt...lol lol
Goal for this year: ... I'm not sure yet....
Best Friends: My Mom...Ashley....and... Zoe....
Weakness: Zoe's puppy face... lol
Fears: Heights and snakes
Heritage: Scottish
Longest relationship: 2 1/2 years
Ever Drank: Yep
Ever Smoked: Yes but didn't like it...
Pot: Nope
Ever been Drunk: Yep.. getting sick is not fun...lol lol
Ever been beaten up: Nope
Ever beaten someone up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Nope
Been Dumped Lately: Nope
Favorite Eye Color: Any
Favorite Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long: Doesn't matter
Height: At least a little taller then me...
Style: Cowboy...I love a man in Wranglers...
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute Cute
Drugs and Alcohol: None
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: I have a few...
What country do you want to Visit: Scotland
How do you want to Die: In my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: nope... just to Christmas shop
Do you like Thunderstorms: sometimes
Get along with your Parents: most of the time
Health Freak: nope
Do you think your Attractive: somewhat
Believe in Yourself: yea most of the time
Want to go to College: yea someday
Do you Smoke: nope.. tried it don't like it
Do you Drink: sometimes
Shower Daily: yes of course
Been in Love: Yes I am right now...It feels great
Do you Sing: yea in my car
Want to get Married: Someday
Do you want Children: Yea someday but right now my 2 dogs are my kids now lol
Have your future kids names planned out: nope
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: Oooops done lost it.... long time ago...LOL
Hate anyone: yea my exs
for cowboys/cowgirls only!
ford or chevy? Chevy
diesel or gas? Diesel
bulls or broncs? bulls
wrangler or cinch? Wrangler
lace up or pull on boots? Lace Up
Justin or H&H? Justin
tail gating or line dancing? Tail Gating
george strait or chis ledoux? George Strait
mossy oak or real tree camo? Mossy Oak
bud or coors? Neither I like Smirnoffs
cope or skoal? neither yuke
do it for the buckle or the girls/guys? both
men belong in the... ...
women belong in the... ...
beef or pork? beef
hunting or fishing? Fishing
drugs or jesus? Jesus
stetson or resistol? Stetson
bed of your truck or a motel? Both lol Where ever the mood hits lol lol
texas or colorado? Both. I'd love to see both of them
ropin or wrestling? Both
tatoos or scars? both
weekend at the rodeo or weekend with the love of your life? At the rodeo... Lookin at all the Wrangler Butts lol lol
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!Gizzy---He's so spoiled. Isn't he a cutie?

My Interests

I love to spending time with family and freinds and I love playing with my dogs. I like crafts like scrapbooking. I love to cook and trying new recipes. I love spending time with my bf Ashley and his little girl Zoe. I love them both so much. I've got a new interest since my bf is part of a lawnmower racing team I'm just now getting to know the sport. I can't wait until Spring gets here I'll get to see my very 1st race.http://www.highlandviewmotorsports.com..


I'd like to meet:

I have already found that special someone.
MySpace Comments at GlitterBell.comRemembering VT We All Became Hokies


"Lotta Liquor to Like Her"John Fee and The Dirt Road Drifters...LiveI really like almost any kind of music but here lately I've been going through a Country thing right now. I really love Jason Aldean, Clay Walker, Gary Alean, Rodney Adkins, and of course Tim McGraw.

I NEED YOU by Tim and Faith.....For the one I love.


I love about any kind of movie.


I love to watch armywives on lifetime. Its a really good show but it will make you cry sometimes. It comes on every Sunday at 10:00pm. Be sure to watch it.


I don't really read much.

I got my Myspace Cursors from 123mycodes.com

href="http://aerocharm.com" target="_blank"


Anyone fighting for this Country. If it wasn't for our troops this country would not be where it is today. Freedom is not free. God Bless all of them. Never forget the ones that died for us.
Get More at COMMENTYOU.com

My Blog

The meaning of Love

..>   The meaning Of Love   Since a very long time ago, people have searched for the meaning of love. But even the great philosophers, with their profound definitions, could not fully tou...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:53:00 PST

A song to my Sweetheart....(Soulmate)....By Josh Turner

Ashley you are my soulmate and I want to live the rest of my life with you and boogs. You are my one and only. Love you baby always and forever. SoulmateWritten by Josh Turner and John David AndersonS...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 10:22:00 PST

I finally found the one

    Have ya ever felt like giving up on love. Well i did for a while until I met Ashley. I had given up on love because I was hurt very badly by someone. He really truely broke my heart. I n...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 09:55:00 PST

Americas Freedom Broadcast Radio Dj Schedule...Check it out www.afbradio.us

..> ..> Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2am - 4am AAuto  Auto  Auto  Auto  Auto  Auto  Auto  4am - 6am Auto  Auto  Auto&nb...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:53:00 PST

A Soldier

..> ..> A Soldier  ..> ..>   There is discipline in A Soldieryou can see it when he walks, There is honor in A Soldieryou hear it when he talks.There is courage in A Soldieryou ca...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

A Soldiers Poem

A Soldiers Poem Worth Publishing Twas the night before ChristmasHe lived all alonein a one bedroom house made ofplaster and stone.I had come down the chimneywith presents to give,and to see just whoi...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:18:00 PST


The Beer Prayer Our lager,Which art in barrels,Hallowed be thy drink.Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk),At home as it is in the tavern.Give us this day our foamy head,And forgive us our spillage,As...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:50:00 PST


MENtal Anxiety MENtal Breakdown MENstrual Cramps MENopause... Did you ever notice how all of our problems begin with MEN?...
Posted by He's My Happy Ending. on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 04:09:00 PST