"Charlie bit me!"
Strange Survey...
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: Yes. I've had CDs that skipped in my car...I licked them and enjoyed every minute
Ever been in a car wreck?: fender bender, yes. wreck? no
Were you popular in high school?: kinda
Have you ever been on a blind date?: yes. it SUCKED
Are looks important?: YES. whether or not you admit it, LOOKS are the first thing you see
Do you have any friends that you still hang out with since high skool? plenty. i'm old-skool
By what age would you like to be married?: i'm well past that age. i'm now looking at adopting kids as a method of damage-control
Have you ever made a mistake?: too many to count. mistakes we make determine the person we are. but there are one or two I'd like a "do-over.."
Are you a good tipper?: I over-tip
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: yeah. Miss Nielson, Mrs. Zaffney, "Betsy.."
Have you ever peed in public?: just did...
What song do you want played at your funeral?: Angels by Robbie Williams
Would you tell your parents if you were gay?: I have no idea of what you're talking about
What would your last meal be before getting executed?: Steak and shrimp
Beatles or Stones?: DA STONES!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?: Joseph Edward Duncan III
Beer, wine or hard liquor?: Beer
Do you have any phobias?: i'm afraid of heights
What are your plans for the future?: drive trains and make $$$
Do you walk around the house naked?: not since I've moved into my new house which is completely open
If you were an animal what would you be?: a cheetah, cuz they're kewl
Hair color you like on someone you "like" Brown. Wish I could be like everybody else and say "blonde", but I like brown-haired chicks!
Would you rather be blind or deaf?: blind, cuz I LOVE music too much. Plus, I would save a lot of money on porn...
Do you have any special talents?: guitar, working with horses, oral sex [has nothing to do with horses.]
What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?: take my shoes off
Do you like horror or comedy?: Comedy. But I love a good horror movie. Like "The Shining" or "The Omen"
Are you missing anyone?: Bren and RJ
If you weren't, straight, who would you go for? they know who they are. LMFAO
Where do you want to live when you are old?: In my new house. "Rizland"
Who is the person you can count on the most?: My mom, Joyce, and my sister, Jennnifer
If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?: Judy Garland. I'd make her stop taking drugs. somehow...
What did you dream last night?: I had a stupid-ass dream involving the TV show "The Office" and sex. I think it was cuz I watched it right before going to bed.
What is your favorite sport to watch?: Football and Soccer
Are you named after anyone?: My dad had a friend who died. I was named after him. My friend Robert died in a plane crash, but I won't name my son after him. Well, maybe his middle name. LOL
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?: Beer
Non alcoholic drink?: Coffee
Have you ever been in love?: Yah. 2 real loves and several fake celebrity crushes
Do you sing in the shower?: sure. why not? LOL
Have you ever been arrested?: Military arrests don't count, so .."NO. I've NEVER been arrested..."
What is your favorite Holiday?: Christmas. Halloween is a close second.
Would you ever get plastic surgery?: Yah. On my big fat nose. Thanks, dad, for the nice Risseeuw NOSE genes.
Have you ever caught a fish?: Several. .."Sunnies,.." Northern Pike, Eeel-Pout, Barracuda
Take the Strange Survey... survey
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