Gregel Oirom is a visual artwork based initially on drawings. From the beginning, we aim to create a world around Juddha’s electronical music, and our common rock side-project : The Freaks. Gregel Oirom was launched in 2006, as initiating interactive drawing exhibitions in Berlin (Besucherkunst), as well as aiming to give Juddha’s electronical music a visual approach. This common work gave birth to 1970AC music video, as well as to several live exhibitions with Juddha and The Freaks in Switzerland.
Our latest work : 1970AC Music Video
Enjoy! -----
Juddha - 1970AC envoyé par gregeloirom
We usually work with : Juddha
The Freaks and the Unreleased-kollektiv Here's a short look on what we've done theses last months with them :
Some good sounds by Juddha enjoy!
My Interests
My Blog
Besucherkunst @ Garden Party 2007, Geneva
... Posted by GREGEL OIROM on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:34:00 PST
Besucherkunst @ ZurMöbelFabrik, 2005, Berlin
ZurMöbelFabrik, Berlin... Posted by GREGEL OIROM on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:33:00 PST