***The Best Fashion Statement is A Compassionate Heart, Wear that, And you'll Never Go Out of Style***
www.Eyemodelhope.com You can also,GO TO MY PICS. EYE MODEL HOPE Girls & Women's TEES and TANKS Pics are up and are now on Sale! A percentage of all proceeds will go to The Charity V-DAY. Until all violence against Women STops. Something NEW! I will have the doggie shirts ready soon. And a Portion of those proceeds will go to the Humane Society. What do you Model?Reject Hate, challenge ignorance, close your ears to those policitians and officials who claim to hold God in their hearts but don't mirror His compassion, ignore close minded ideas, let fall to the side the idea that God rejects whole groups of his children, don't allow fearful ignorant conservative individuals mold your ideas of who God is, Do embrace the greatest love that has ever existed in the universe, the manifestation of God in the flesh, the One who tought us to love free of judgement, to heal with our hands, to beleive in what's unseen, to challenge authority even when the majority won't, to be radical, free, and rebelious, to respect God's earth and all it's creatures, to follow the higher will in all we do, the King above all Kings, Love in Human Form, Jesus.
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