Giampiero Assumma Photographer profile picture

Giampiero Assumma Photographer


About Me

Giampiero Assumma was born in Naples in 1969. His specialty is urban landscape and reportage. In the past few years he has worked on many personal projects related to subjects of anthropological and social interest, with special focus in perspectives on man’s relation with territory, religion and insanity. Most notably, he has documented the urban phenomenon of abandoned industrial production sites, pilgrimage trips to Lourdes, traditional religious feasts, the swordfish hunting in Southern Italy, as well as the unusual world of the bodybuilders. He has also investigated life in the Italian judiciary psychiatric hospitals to explore the dimension of human alienation through the image. Since 2005, he has developed a strong interest in movie-making as a still photographer, even receiving in 2006 et 2007 the Cliciack Award, national Italian contest of movie-set photography. He currently lives in Paris.

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