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Drummer and Percussionist Latin American

About Me

Junto a Airto Moreira
Shot with FinePix S9500 at 2007-07-05Argentinean drummer and percussionist, born in the Santa Fe Province, has developed his artistic career mainly in Latin America, characterized by its musical versatility and an own seal of South American sound, specially in the Uruguayan and Argentinean roots. Connoisseur of South American countries folklore he has managed to fuse it with world music and its different expressions. His work as a composer stands out counting with three productions and a book edition for drum about Riverplate’s rhythms. The seal of Quintino, has been marked and enriched by different artists with which he has worked throughout his career; the collaborations stand out next to: Pedro Aznar, Rubén Rada,Airto Moreira, Dino Saluzzi and Hugo Fattoruso, among others. His creative spirit has allowed him to develop a session musician line of work, related to Jazz, Rock and World Music. Quintino Cinalli, has generated an important contribution to the development of the South American percussion, adapting the folkloric language of the Candombe, Murga, Chacarera, Zamba and Cueca to the contemporary drum and percussion.

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My Interests


Member Since: 4/12/2007
Band Website: quintinocinalli.cl
Band Members: Presentacion Drum Fest Mendoza 2005Presentacion Caja de musica (Teatro Astros) Quintino con Pedro Aznar - Mundo enLLamasAmor de Juventud

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Cambio de Planes 2001 Buenos Aires - Argentina Living Live Viviendo en Vivo 1999 Buenos Aires - Argentina Candombe y Murga Rioplatense 1997 Buenos Aires - Argentina Southamerican Rythms 1997 Buenos Aires - Argentina
Record Label: si
Type of Label: Indie

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[email protected]
Posted by Quintino on Sat, 26 May 2007 11:27:00 PST