Xdrums profile picture


without music life would be like a desert- unknown

About Me

I am a working musician with over 20 yrs. experience in the music business as a drummer/percussionist. Drums are my life, especially electronics... I have performed an avg. of 200 dates a year with various groups all over the U.S. I am currently performing with The Fuss from San Antonio, , we do a variety of gigs from corporate parties across the U.S. to local club dates and are always a crowd pleaser.I will also be doing a few select dates with my buds from the Tex-Mex Experience this year, b sure to check their site for more info. In addition, I also keep myself busy by freelancing and recording for a variety of projects.

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor


My Interests

Drums, music, extreme sports, concerts, movies, outdoors, motorcycles, and my newest thrill surfing...

I'd like to meet:

Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr, Neil Peart, and fellow drummers.....


anything from jazz to metal is cool with me.


comedies, musicals and thrillers....


discovery channel and cnn...


I read everything...


Neil Peart and the U.S. armed forces.

My Blog

life is short..

life is short and goes by to fast- well, we rocked the house of blues last nite. jammed for the suits!! we had to go old school but they got the message..if I could've won some cash it may have been b...
Posted by Xdrums on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:12:00 PST


having problems with my calender, check the fuss site www.thefussrocks.com  for current dates... anyone else having problems loading dates into calender let me know, i've contacted myspace but no...
Posted by Xdrums on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:40:00 PST

check it!!

thanx to all u 4 the inspiration, what started as a bad day ended with rock 2nite. music makes it all easier 2 deal with, 1 way or another u guys have all influenced countless people without ever know...
Posted by Xdrums on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:02:00 PST

road trip anyone

check my calendar, we have booked lots of road shows across tx and oklahoma. feel like getting away, come party with us.....
Posted by Xdrums on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:24:00 PST

spurs rock

nothing like a great nite... spurs win run into hs buds.... rock the f***** house. life is good, stay tuned two nites to go..... guess thats what makes my world go 'round.
Posted by Xdrums on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:20:00 PST