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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Bringing some fashion and style to the music industry!
We do everything from scratch. Our bags,cases,and straps, are designed with your input. We define even the most intricate details the larger companies would'nt even think of. It could be as simple as a zipper pull,embroidery, or the color stitching you want. We'll put your logo on anything. We are a custom shop with no limits on what we will design, build, or manufacture. Try getting that at your local music store or your current endorser!09/23/06-ATTENTION! WE JUST CAN'T STOP FEEDING THE MONSTER!
We are now designing custom flight cases made to order and custom mic stands. We weld, powder coat, annodize,chrome,or airbrush anything. We can sculpt a custom mic stand,custom cymbal stands,custom drum risers,custom stage risers or custom drum thrones and piano benches. Even airbrush murals or graphics on guitars. Custom upholstery. What a concept... functional art for functional artists! Your imagination together with our craftsmanship know no boundries! WARNING!: WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LAUGH UNCONTROLLABLY IF YOU ORDER A "KEYTAR" BAG OR CASE.BUT WE'LL STILL DO IT!..We proudly endorse this new company. Click on the image below and check out BADD-DOGGCOUTURE.COM
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Anyone that's interested in having the coolest and stylish drum covers,stick bags, cases,straps, and gig bags out there!
(CLICK ON PICS OR LOGOS TO ENLARGE)Strap and case pics coming soon!SIN Instrument Couture,LLC President and ROCKETT DRUM WORKS Director of A&R, Bobby Gibb, presented Jon Farriss(INXS) and his tech "T" Burr with their custom bags backstage on 03/10/07. Jon's stickbag to match his white Eueropean tour kit.Photos courtesy of Sherry Globman Another custom canvas "SwITcH" stickbag for INXS drummer Jon Farris to match the U.S. tour kit. NAMM 2007 Jester Throne for custom Killer Clown KitCustom drum throne for Rikki Rockett of POISONWe mounted Rikki's throne to a pony keg up @ Chop Shop Drum Co. compound!New throne for Adrian (aka) Mr 7 of Powerman 5000POISON 2006 ROCK:AMERICAN STYLE stickbagAdrian Ost's custom bagAdrian's Poster Ad Extreme Custom Instrument Straps (May also be used for spanking!)We're not kidding! Custom G-STRAPZ creation for Michael Thomas of FASTER PUSSYCAT/FASTBACK Stylish Lightweight Drum Cases, GuitarCases, Stick and Custom Accessory BagsFront line "ROCK SURPLUS" Bags,Cases,and Accessories Custom Mic Stands,Personal Risers,Bandstands,and Benches.. /a CLICK ON BANNER AND VISIT OUR SITE
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