Jason profile picture


Welcome, to a place of publications, and unique situations.

About Me

To sum it up, I am trying to become a publisher of anthologies, featuring poetry and fiction. For information on how you can participate in my first project, featuring poems about America, visit my base of operations at Secret Press USA . Aside from that, the main purpose of this profile is to be a place where I share my own poems and writings. I would appreciate any feedback and commentary you might provide.
Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.
Superman Superman 60% Spider-Man 60% Green Lantern 60% Robin 45% Hulk 45% The Flash 45% Batman 40% Supergirl 36% Wonder Woman 36% Iron Man 35% Catwoman 30% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
You've been described as 'the brains' of your family or group of friends. You're the natural born, 'Mr. Fixit'. You're also considered the most reserved, preoccupied with your own little thoughts and ideas. But that doesn't mean you don't hang with your family and friends! But, you still find it easy to get lost in your own thoughts...daydreaming often. You'd rather talk things out than fight. You long for a day when there's nothing but peace in the world, and when you can finally rest with your own thoughts. Violence is something the world could completely live without. One of your labels may be, 'true to blue friend'. You're strong at heart and powerful at mind.
You Are a Pegasus
You are a perfectionist, with an eye for beauty.
You know how to live a good life - and you rarely deviate from your good taste.
While you aren't outgoing, you have excellent social skills.
People both admire you - and feel very comfortable around you.
You Are 71% Tortured Genius
You are smart. Brilliant in fact. And while it's a blessing, it's also a curse.
Your head is filled with everything - grand ideas, insufferable worries, and a good deal of angst.
You Should Be a Film Writer
You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!
You Are a Ring Finger
You are romantic, expressive, and hopeful. You see the best in everything.
You are very artistic, and you see the world as your canvas. You are also drawn to the written word.
Inventive and unique, you are often away in your own inner world.
You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.
An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.
Your Life Path Number is 7
Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning
You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.
In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit.
While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.
You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends.
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you!
You Are Sunrise
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.
You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward.
Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.
All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be.
Your Brain's Pattern
Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.

My Interests

Writing poetry and fiction, iced coffee, massages, driving and visiting, driving and listening, poker (maybe, looks good on TV anyhow), women, movies and restaurants.

I'd like to meet:

People interested in submitting poems for considered inclusion in my anthologies. Those who have a general interest in writing and reading fiction and poetry. New friends, old friends and acquaintances.


Primarily alternative rock 90's to current day, although my tastes can vary. No whiny white guys, please.


Primarily action/fantasy/adventure type films, some dramas and comedies on occasion.


WWE, most Comedy Central stuff, Lost and Smallville (both relatively recently), TNA, VH1 fodder when I'm bored, poker (strangely interesting), occasional internet youtube fodder, and currently Last Comic Standing (even though the judges are not funny themselves).


It's been a while since I read extensively, but I liked old school fantasy books (Lord of the Rings, Dragonlance), and I liked various literature books I had to read in college. I think the last good book I read was the Bell Jar.

My Blog

Meaningful Torment

Tornadoes striking down, bringing dark skies, silver ships, quiet nightmares.
Posted by Jason on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:03:00 PST

Lovely Torment

She beckons nightly silver strutting silhouette showering false hope.
Posted by Jason on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:21:00 PST

Forgotten Fantasies

The hero stood atop the hillhis struggles a silhouette before a red setting sunhe fired his last arrow toward tinted skies,sent it soaring, falling like the last lingering of our love.When soldiers sh...
Posted by Jason on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:38:00 PST

Hilltop Heaven

Sunset atop the hill she once stoodhair like waves of gold blowing behind her. Fifteen years before she grasped for his handand he ran away, ran in circles from his small townfarm girl forest princess...
Posted by Jason on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST

Inner Taunting

I kiss her, I graspher waist at night. Blissful liesI cannot escape!I've never kissed hernor held her waist daynor night. Relentlessshe appears, remindsme just enough in darknessshares her warm sweetn...
Posted by Jason on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:10:00 PST

Burnt Down

I am sore bodymind and spirit, I am wornyet optimistic.
Posted by Jason on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 06:10:00 PST

Remember This

Black skies, a world diestwenty million cries, dead eyes.Whoops! All lies, now rise.
Posted by Jason on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:57:00 PST

Have Mercy

She pierced my spiritwith blue spheres, crushed my mindwith a glance. Mercy.
Posted by Jason on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:28:00 PST

Consumer Soother

Window fed muffinlackluster fried potatoescold coffee, fake cure.
Posted by Jason on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 04:28:00 PST

Finding You

Finding your brother was funnya gift from old man Joe.A means to an end was his giftof brotherly laundry love.And then you came back to memysteriously, with a wet casual clank.Now I have two of you to...
Posted by Jason on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:54:00 PST