Art, Fantasy Art, Drawing, Painting (oils, watercolors, or acrylics,Digital Art, Pen and Ink, Tattooing, Maps, Music, Movies, Role Playing Games (in and out of the bedroom kind),The Universe, Psychology, Philosophy, Religion, Mythology, Dungeons and Dragons, BDSM, Photography, Ducks, Caracatures, Socializing, light Drinking, Football, Self Improvement and Expansion, Understanding Others, Deep Conversation, Empathy,Physical Fitness, Long Island Iced Teas,Crown Royal, Foster's Lager in the Can, Quitting Smoking, Harmony,Passion,Basketball, Washington Redskins, Detroit Pistons, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Live Bands,Roller Coasters and last but not least, Love.
Anyone, I love folks. There is such a variety of good folks out there. Most of the particulars have moved on from this life. Johnny Cash, Alan Watts, Roy Orbison, Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Mark Twain, Gerald Brom, Pablo Picasso, Gary Gygax, are just a few.
Alligator Jackson,Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Johnny Cash, Queen, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Stone Temple Pilots, Smashing Pumpkins, Roy Orbison, Queen,The Ramones, Black Sabbath, Rolling Stones,They Might Be Giants, Peter Gabriel,The Talking Heads, Beastie Boys, Bush, Velvet Revolver, Guns N' Roses, Rage Against the Machine,Audio Slave, Blues Traveler, Rod Stewart, Green Day, Soundgarden, The Offspring,Primus, Prince, Goo Goo Dolls, REM, Elton John, Madonna, Radio Head,The Clash,The Cardigans, Garbage, Lords of Acid, Tori Amos, Collective Soul, Pat Benatar, Wesley Willis, Squirl Nut Zippers, Alice in Chains,Faith No More, James Taylor, George Michael, Jefferson Airplane, Jannis Joplin, The Beatles, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Cake, U2, Stevie Wonder, Wesley Willis, The Mighty Mighty Bostones, Freak Tent, and very many more. I have very eclectic taste you see.
Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol1&2, Grind House, Schindler's List, Walk the Line, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lord of the Rings Trilogy,American History X, Catch Me if You Can, Clerks, Little Miss Sunshine, Black Hawk Down, Spider Man 1&2, The Matrix, Dusk Til Dawn, Four Rooms, Eraser Head, Original Star Wars Trilogy, Rudy,The Fisher King,The Graduate,The Godfather, Training Day, Blow, American Beauty, Montey Python's Holy Grail, Napolean Dynamite,Jackie Brown, Fargo, Road to Perdition, Rocky, Crash, Batman Begins, Life of Brian, Second Hand Lions, School of Rock, The Wizard of Oz, Die Hard, Forest Gump, Braveheart, O Brother Where Art Thou, Raizing Arizona, Dusk 'Til Dawn, The Incredibles, The Usual Suspects, 300, Sin City, Donny Brasco, L.A. Confidential, Copland, Traffic, Falling Down, Borat, There Will Be Blood, Superman,Dead Poet's Society, Stardust, Simon Birch.
History Channel, South Park, The Family Guy, Robot Chicken, CSI, and Dr. Phil McGraw. shhh, that's a serious guilty pleasure.
I read all kinds of stuff.
Spider Man