Jeff profile picture


You only have one don't F@*K it up!!

About Me

Independent, always happy and smiling. Laid back, don't take myself or others too seriously...avoid DRAMA and/or STRESS....Love to laugh and make others laugh, even if I'm laughing at myself or they're laughing at me...I'm in to anything that's on a board or can usually find me at the beach and the river in the summer or the mountains in the winter...I'd rather: read a book than watch outside than inside....light a candle than turn on a out instead of in....putz around in the garage instead of sit around the house....

My Interests

Beach, river, mountains, snowboarding, surfing, wakeboarding, motorcycles, old cars and trucks, anything vintage, books

I'd like to meet:

Someone who is real....what you see is what you get...A sense of humor and personality are key. If you can't laugh at yourself as easily as at others, or have never read a book, then please move on....Someone that will go splashing in puddles when it rains and not worry about her hair...someone that can be as comfortable in a tent as at the Four Seasons ( know what I mean here) Someone that is low maintenance but likes to be spoiled....someone that doesn't consider reality shows entertaining and would rather go for a walk or a bike ride than lounge around on their butt all day....If you can pack your bags in 5 minutes notice then please say hello...


alternative, early 80's punk, classic rock and blues with a lot of harp


Dumb and Dumber, Happy Gilmore, Back to School, Animal House...not much of a movie fan but love dumb comedys




Anything by Charles Bukowski, John D. McDonald, Ayn Rand, John Steinbeck, Ray Bradbury, Carl Hiassen....oh yeah...also got addicted to the Harry Potter books...Basically a print junkie....if it's in front of me I'll probably be reading it sooner or later...


Larry Flynt for President....he's already done more for the people than the schmucks we tend to elect.