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I am here for Networking

About Me

Hi, my name is Lean Liam

I am the creator and author of:

The reason why I started my own business is because I started to get sick and tired of office politics, watching my mom work so hard, not being able to buy the type of gifts I really wanted to give or buy for myself, and experienced financial stress, which felt like I was in a black hole. So, I wanted control of my income. But starting a business for the first time was not easy. There were a lot of struggles.

And why I created this MySpace profile is because I want to meet, network, and give back to other newbie entrepreneurs who are in the same situation just like I was...and hopefully my story can help inspire you to discover a better alternative just like I did when I started my business, being my own boss, and making multiple streams of income.

Brief Summary of my Life

I was born in the Philippines and lived in America since I was 7 years old. When my mom brought me into this world as her first child, she decided right there and then that she had to change her environment. Through trials and errors, and most importantly, her drive and ambition for her child (me) to have a better life, she did everything she could. And she did accomplish it. However, to this day, she is still working and I can see in this past two years, she has dramatically lost a lot of weight. As soon as I noticed, my stomach turned and I felt weak inside for about a minute. Then my mind became FOCUSED...I knew right there and then, it was now my turn to change her environment and TAKE ACTION as quickly as possible, so that her life in the remaining years are stress-free, healthy and happy.

My Experience in Network Marketing

Then I was introduced to a couple of Network Marketing business. In this type of business, you are considered a business owner, except you don't have to deal with overhead expense, a lease, salary expense and depending which type of Network Marketing business, no inventory. There were good parts and bad parts about Network Marketing business. The good parts I got out of it are the personal one-on-one trainings, motivational lessons, encouragement and support for my success, and the two most important assets I got out of it are - lifetime friendships/business partners and if it were not for Network Marketing opportunities, I would not have the drive and confidence to pursue bigger and better things for myself and my family. I would still be living in a box - in a 9-5 J.O.B., a life of repetition, basically living in a rat-race. Because of it, I saw a whole new life out there. Young, old and in between, are actually making great money. Now here's the bad part. The bad part is that 90-95% failed or gave up after 3 months in their business. And I wanted to find out why that is and find a solution....

In Search For Hope

So I continued to do more research and looked at what others are doing to make them so successful, so I can share what I learned to help others, which should decrease the stats of 95% failed rate significantly.

Then I figured it out...

Most people failed in their business the first 3 months or so, because of some of these main problems:

    Lack of Training & Support - We provide a complete Team Training Platform that trains and supports our members with the latest marketing training, video tutorials, conference calls and forums. Lack of Traffic & Leads - We teach our members how to easily drive quality traffic to their high converting websites and generate resonsive leads that convert to customers and new distributors. Lack of Sales Skills - We use websites, marketing funnels and technology to eliminate the need for sales skills...YES, you can build a huge business online without SELLING! Lack of Money - We teach networkers how to make money FAST, and create significant Cash Flow to fund and explode their businesses...this is much more than a simple "funded proposal"!

In addition to their failure, is that this is their first time running their own business. The mentality of a business owner and an employee is different. It can be learned, but it takes time, maybe 1-6 years or so. However, there is a marketing system that will close that gap!

Are You Ready to FINALLY Make Serious Money Online AND Explode Your Business Without Any REJECTION or SELLING Ever Again?

If you have a dream, and are struggling to achieve it because you are not getting the right marketing training or support, then I strongly encourage you to contact me. Or at least visit my website and get some FREE TRAINING!!!

My intention is basically to lay out everything for you. My intention is to show you exactly what the top income earners online are doing to achieve results. No secrets. No gimmicks. No lies. ....

I truly believe in the sharing of knowledge and resources for the improvement of others. That's why I don't charge anything for my Marketing Training.

My purpose in life is to help others achieve their potential and this is exactly what I intend to do.

Here is the basis to the system:
    Online Marketing System - to generate leads on demand - Your Virtual Money Printing Press (I'm not kidding!) Use of Web 2.0 techniques - branding and lead generation (for FREE!) Attraction Marketing - to get your prospects chasing YOU. Automated Sales Funnels - to put money in your pockets FAST!!! (like within days!!!) Team Training & Support - complete marketing training and tutorials to get all our members up and running fast using the latest and only the most effective marketing strategies.
With this system, it doesn't matter if this is your first time starting a business. It provides the step-by-step process for you with video tutorials! So, all the guessing and figuring out what to do and how to do it, is eliminated. But it still does take consistency and dedication on your part.
So, the ..KEY.. is in the Marketing System. Not just any marketing...but what we teach you in our marketing system.
Just sharing this information will help decrease the 95% fail rate significantly.
After creating it, I realized this can work on any business out there! So, I applied it to both my network marketing business and in my real estate and financial business. And it works!
This proprietary Sales and Marketing System generates thousands of leads VIRTUALLY ON AUTOPILOT!
After repeated success, I have decided to share it with only the serious entrepreneurs who are willing to learn and do what it takes to get to the highest level of success. Not only does the system have all the tools at your fingertips, the system is simple, so that you too can experience this kind of success at a shorter period of time. You may have heard of this saying, "A teacher only comes out when a student is ready to learn."
In addition to marketing techniques, I always encourage having a Plan B and Plan C, especially in this economic times. You can never guarantee that you will still have that one income tomorrow. With so many companies going out of business and laying off many people, you have to be ready. To avoid financial distaster, you should have multiple streams of income.
I have other sources where you can make extra income at no cost. Contact me.

This is really changing my life and I would love to network and work with like-minded people and help others. So I urge you to contact me. I would love to chat and hear your story.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet new people who are serious about progressing in life no matter what age. I think that you can always progress to new and greater heights.

My Blog

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