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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

------------ www.HeavyHitterTool.com ---------


My name is Jim. I am the Founder of


and author for "The 5 Uncommon Basics"

Unveil The Simple Formula I Used To Make 10k In My Second Month...

If You Would Like To Know How To Have Qualified Prospects and Sales Rolling In While You Sleep Without Having to Spend 5 Years Building A Ridiculous Huge Downline in Your Networking Business, Read On...
First off... Im not here to hussel for quick cash and sell you onto my opportunity like everyone else are doing.
Im here to share my experience, pitfalls and what worked for me with others in the networking industry.  I want to save others time and trail and error by providing the methods that worked for me of buiding Any Business.
Before I get into that, heres my quick background:

Years ago, I was a typical smart high school graduate that didn't know what I was doing in college :-0. I got through high school with a 4.2 gpa and always wanted to do something with my life so I can make a lot of money.

Soon after high school, I realized that making money is not directly relate to the education level and college may never fulfill my dreams financially.

I was young and full of energy and I was not about to spend my next 40+ years having someone tell me what to do.

I was always an outdoor type of person.  I love to do things by the season because I get bore of things very quickly.  Spring I would go hiking in yosemiti, summer is my favorite, I swim, BBQ, travel, all kind of good stuff.  Another of my favorite season is winter because I would go snowboarding.

Though Im not particular very talented in any sport, I am fairly atheletic.  I play just about every sport you can name. basketball, soccer, baseball, swimming ( 5 diferent strokes), volley ball. I ran cross country in H.S. Golf captain... so Im a fairly active person .

How I got into Network Marketing:

Like many others, I was introduced to the network marketing industry and was sold a dream of becoming succesful beyond my wildest dreams.

Without knowing what to do and how to do it right, I jumped on board and dragged alot of my friends along.

Within my first 2 years, I had nothing but struugles
who could've guess that refering sales was so hard!

I did everything that was told by my uplines and trainings. I passed out cards, went door to door flyering, recruited on school campus, shopping malls, even Wa-mart (lol). I cold called dozens of lists, referral calls, unsolicited calls, you name it.

Worst of all, I spent more than I make and spent myself broke.

My whole income stream was depended by my part time job in a small electronic store. I was barely getting by living and spent every little penny in my business.

And of course along the way, many of my friends dropped out because they simply couldn't handle the obstacles that just keeps coming.

Even though I told myself I will believe I can make a lot of money in this industry, I knew if I keep using the same methods of recruiting and do the same thing, my results were not going to change.

So What Changed?

Just when my career in the network marketing industry seems like coming to an end, I found hope again because I was introduced to Attraction marketing. In fact, it is the complete opposite everything I learned.

I was very skeptical at first because I was looking at my past results. I though it was just another course some random dudes are selling to make some profit. But nonetheless I took a look at it.

To my surprise, attraction marketing is simply common sense that an average marketer is lacking.

I guess this is where I have my epiphany in my career. I finally understood why I was not making any money in my first 2 years.

For the next 6 months, I studied over 15 courses on attraction marketing and human psychology, listened to stacks of audio CDs on the subject everytime I drive, and I don't even know how many books I read to be honest.

After some training and self developement, I was able to attract prospects that are interested in my business at will

And let me tell you, it sure feels DAMN good waking up in the morning with a flood of fresh qualify leads that are competing to join your business, desperately fighting for your attention.

Instead of convincing others to see my opportunity, they would come to me. Instead trying to close others to join, they would ask me how to sign up.

These methods are so easy to implement anyone can really do it after some proper training. Because the core value of these marketing methods are complete opposite from industry standard, you can expect the result to be different also.

Personally, I wouldn't pursue the industry standard methods of recruite your friends and family or calling cold leads. The ratio is so horrible and for most people, results will be minimal.

If you are a network marketer that is willing to pursue for higher success, I invite you to come through to

  ----------------- www.HeavyHitterTool.com ------------

(tons of FREE training right on my site -- just for stoppin' by!)

  I want to show you a way where you don't have to pound the phone everyday anymore.  In fact, you can be so attractive that prospects litteraly are draw to you on a daily basis.  It is possible. And best of all, I will show you how you can do it in your current company!

My business partner Tom Winn will show you exactly how to brand yourself as a industry leader and achieve success beyond your wildest imagination.

You are welcome to contact me if you would like to speak to me live.

Please! No soicitations

Jim Chao

(916) 475-2547

I am only interested in speaking to SERIOUS ENTREPRENEURS who have the burning desire to make a change and not tire kickers.

No offense, its just that there are many who shouldn't even be in the network marketing industry to begin with.  Many are just whinners and complainers with why the business don't work for them.  These are the people who are always looking for a magical solution that they can get rich the very next day.  So if you match this description, PLEASE DO NOT GO TO MY SITE AND WASTE MY TIME and PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME AND EMAIL IN THE FORM ON THIS PAGE.

I believe time is very valuable so its very important for me to choose to only associate myself with quality people who do have what it takes to be leaders.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

One with a sincere open mind thats willing to do what it takes to get what they want.

One that have a heart of champion that when obstacle comes, their true character surfaces.

Ones who are charismatic sexy

Get The Formula I Use To Put My Business On Complete Auto-Pilot Here


My Blog

DO NOT JOIN MLM-Lead-System-PRO Before You Read This...

Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 23:51:00 GMT

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