Baletski Studio “Dina Miklic†je osnovan u avgustu 2004 godine. Program baletskog studia obuhvata savladavanje i usavrsavanje osnova: klasicnog,savremenog baleta i show dance tehnika kao mogucnost za dalje skolovanje po izboru i sklonostima. Kroz pokret pracen klasicnom i savremenom muzikom, deca ce imati mogucnost da razviju koordinaciju pokreta, pravilno drzanje tela, osecaj za prostor i muzikalnost.
U zavisnosti od uzrasta i sposobnosti deca su rasporedjena u grupe od: 3-7godina i 7-10 godina.
Nas cilj je: KVALITETAN PSIHO-FIZICKI RAZVOJ I KVALITETNO KORISCENJE SLOBODNOG VREMENA. Mogucnost da obrazujemo mladu generaciju da kvalitetno provode svoje slobodno vreme, razviju radne navike, da se opredele na kvalitetnu vrstu muzike, kao i da razviju kulturu ponasanja i zdrav nacin ishrane.STICANJE SAMOPOUZDANJA KROZ JAVNE NASTUPE. Deca ce imati mogucnost da nastupaju na raznim nastupima i javnim manifestacijama (BABY EXIT;ZMAJEVE DECJE IGRE kao i mnogi drugi).
Takodje nas program nudi odraslima casove kao sto su rekreativne vezbe, aerobic,fitness, pilates, kao i pilates za trudnice.
Nastani kadar baletskog studia cine:
DINA MIKLIC-vlasnik.
dipl.balestki igrac (osnovna i srednja baletska skola Novi Sad),PEDAGOG (Filozofski fakultet Novi Sad),clan benda "Bateria SambaNSa".
dipl.balestki igrac (osnovna i srednja baletska skola Novi Sad), instruktor(Visa skola za sportske trenere).
dipl.balestki igrac (osnovna i srednja baletska skola Novi Sad),dipl.trener fitnesa(Fakultet za trenere i menadzere u sportu "TIMS").
BALET-umetnicku igru,tesko je pratiti ako o njoj i vrstama muzike ne znamo nista ili veoma malo,narocito ukoliko ne zivimo u blizini pozorisnih centara u kojima deluju profesionalni i alternativni ansambli.
Ovim dobijate mogucnost da muzika,balet i ostale vrste plesova udju u vase domove i steknu ljubitelje raznih uzasta.
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Ballet Studio "Dina Miklic" was founded in August 2004. Our program includes education and mastering the basic techniques of classical, modern and jazz ballet, as well as show dance. Throughout movement accompanied with classical or contemporary music children will develop the coordination of body movements, correct body alignment, spatial awareness and musicality. We divide children into two groups depending on their age level, from 3 to 7 years old and 7 to 12 years old. Our main goal is to educate the young generation how to profitably spend their free time, develop work habits, become oriented towards the qualified music, and develop their cultural manners and nutrition. During the school year children will have opportunity to perform on stage and public manifestations. We also offer programs for adults such as recreational exercises, aerobics, fitness, Pilates, and Pilates for pregnant women. Our studio offers classes for all ages and levels.
Ballet Studio “Dina Miklic†is proud to have high-qualified teaching staffs:
DINA MIKLIC- Owner and artistic director
She graduated from Ballet School in Novi Sad, recently received the Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts in Education, and aside from teaching she is the member of "Bateria SambaNSa" band.
She graduated from Ballet School in Novi Sad and received her Associate Degree in Sports Coaching.
She graduated from Ballet School in Novi Sad and received her Bachelor’s Degree of Sports Coaching and Management.
Art form such as classical ballet is difficult to follow if an observer is not familiar with the core of the performing art. We live in the environment where theatres are not very appreciated and visited as much as other performing art styles that we see every day on our television. It is difficult to understand the dance and music if we don’t go to the theatres and observe performances of the professional ballet dancers and companies. For that reason our studio with highly certified teachers would like to offer you a possibility to open the doors and bring music and dance into your homes and learn how to understand and enjoy the performing art.