I experiment vith zer "dark light", zer light you find vhen you go out ze other side of darkness, but zis has its own unique problems, such az not necessarily illuminatink the present to zer imp inside zer camera (vhich paints the pictures I take). I have quite a large collection of camera imps.
I alzo like necks. I mean, bunz and cocoa!! Bunz and cocoa!!! *shivers* Zis is my spare time hobby. I only take ze photographs, of course!! AARGHH!!! *runs for his cup*
Alzo, I like my pet bat. Feed him freely, he doesn't gain veight zo easily.
I vould like to organize a vampire choir or a band. Black ribboners only! Ve vill sing upliftink and dramatic songs about hov a bun and cocoa is much preferred to drinkink ze b-vord. Ve vill alzo have instruments, tuned to dropped D. Alzo, ve need an organ player. Zis is not a joke, I am not thinkink spare parts so all your Igors out zere can stop chucklink at zis moment. ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Please contact me via zis site if you can carry a tune. NO FLASH ANIMATIONS PLEASE.
Organ musik. Choir singink. Death metal.
Huh? Vot are movies? I believe ze term iz movink pictures.
Vot iz television? Somethink from your Roundvorld, I guess.
Oh, I vork for a magazine and I read plenty. I still have to finish readink ze material given to me by zer Watch constable, vosshisname, constable Visit- the-Infidel- vith-Explanatory- Pamphlets and his friend, I zink his name voz Smite-ze- Unbeliever-vith- Cunning-Arguments.
My brothers and sisters in zer Ãœberwald League of Temperance. My Black Ribboners!! Zer vampire self-help group meetinks are somethink I couldn't go on vithout. *thuds chest*
OOOHHH, NICE FISHIES! Very soothink indeed.