Prefer to play: speed metal, death metal, black metal, thrash, hard core, old school punk.But have been known to lock it down for power-rock trio and hard-hitting blues.
Football: Miami Dolphins / Philadelphia Eagles
Baseball: Atlanta Braves / Philadelphia Phillies
Philadelphia Flyers
Miller High Life.
Jose Cuervo: Oranjo
Gray Goose.
Monster Assault
Frank Sinatra.
Anyone that's open to all kinds of music and movies.
Everyone that adds me to their friends list and anyone that isn't a bigger asshole than I am.
Frank Sinatra - Behemoth - Dimmu Borgir -
Motorhead -
Slayer -
Children of Bodom -
Old Mans Child -
Sepultura -
Cradle of Filth -
Shadows Fall -
Sick Of It All -
S.O.D. -
M.O.D. -
Misfits -
Samhain -
Danzig - Megadeth -
Obituary -
Whiplash -
Lamb Of God -
Carcass -
Cannibal Corpse -
Entombed -
Death -
Pantera -
Madball -
D.R.I. - FEAR -
Beyond Possession -
Suicidal Tendencies -
No Mercy -
Machine Head - Black Flag (Damaged is one of the greatest albums of all time!) -
Thin Lizzy -
Aerosmith -
Bad Brains -
The Meatmen -
Beyond Possession - Phantasm -
G.B.H. -
Accept -
G.W.A.R. -
Nuclear Assault - AC/DC ( Bon Scott )-
Anthrax -
The Ramones -
Circle Jerks - Dead Kennedys - Metal Church - Testament - Exodus -
Cro-Mags -
U.F.O. -
The Haunted - Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush -
Broken Bones -
Minor Threat - Pail Head -
Sadus - Gang Green - Kiss - Grand Funk - where would I be without Iron Maiden? - Place of Skulls - Amen - Disorderly Conduct - Squirrel Bait - The Boneless Ones - Uriah Heep - Earth Wind And Fire - The Rippingtons - Dwight Yoakam - Junior Brown (one of the most amazing guitarist on Earth) - Jason and the Scorchers - Ice-T - P.E. - Notorious B.I.G. - Tupac - Motley Crue - The Cult - The Cure - P.I.L .- Run DMC - Bullet Boys - Skid Row - Green Day - INXS - J. Geils Band (before that Freeze Frame/Angel in the Centerfold shit)
Tony Rome, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, True Romance (all of Quinton Tarantinos movies for that matter ),The Man With The Golden Arm, The Salton Sea, Zombies,
The Road Warrior, Suddenly, Near Dark, Dracula, Sid and Nancy, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, The Lady In Cement, any Clive Barker, Dead movies ( Day of... Dawn of..... Return of....) Spinal Tap, Scarface, The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, Bad Lieutenant, Von Ryans Express, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Rise and Decline of Western Civilization Part 1,just about anything with DeNiro in it, it would take me forever to list them all.
The Simpsons
The Sopranos (R.I.P.)
Family Guy
Da Ali G Show
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Deadwood ( R.I.P.)
Monday Night Football
The NFL Network
Metal Mania
Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
HeadBangers Ball
Bass Player - Evil Ernie - Spawn - Spider Man ( I guess comics and magazines count? )
William H. Raimer - Frank Sinatra - Robin Koury - Lemmy - Jerry Only - Orion - Gene Simmons - Geezer Butler - Mel Schacher - Les Claypool - Dee Dee Ramone - Eerie Von - Derek Smalls - Scott(Grasshopper)Ryder - Kim Stone - Beaver Felton - James Dewar - Klaus Flouride - Nikki Sixx - Steve Harris - Dan Lilker - Frank Bello - Jimmy Bain - Bootsy - Verdine White - Bob Babbitt - Chris Squire - Chris Novoselic - Peter Baltes - Rudy Sarzo - Steve DiGiorgio - Mars Cowling - Ned Meloni - Cliff Burton - Muzz Skillings - Sid Vicious - Pete Way - Derf Scratch - Phil Lynott - Jaco! - Simon Gallup - Donald 'Duck' Dunn - Tom Hamilton - Stu Hamm - Victor Bailey - Victor Wooten - Waymon Tisdale - Stanley Clarke - Gary Thain - John 'JD' DeServio - Flip!